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HomeBreaking NewsAnother biological laboratory is opening in Armenia, Turks are afraid - EADaily,...

Another biological laboratory is opening in Armenia, Turks are afraid – EADaily, October 11, 2024 – Politics News, Russian News

A new laboratory for advanced biological and environmental sciences will be created in Armenia. This is reported by the Arminfo agency with reference to a message from the American University of Armenia (AUA). The AUA is alleged to have received a $1.8 million grant from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) to resolve this issue.

The statement states that the establishment of the laboratory will contribute to the development of research work at the university in the field of biological and environmental sciences, and will also strengthen the data and computing capabilities of the university.

The rector of the university, on the basis of which, by the way, the laboratory will be organized, Bruce Pogonyan He explained that this scholarship is the largest in the history of the university. According to him, it is a great honor and responsibility for the management. Furthermore, “the funding will motivate the AUA to expand its academic capabilities and influence throughout Armenia.”

It should be noted that USAID funds, which will also be supplemented by AUA funds, will be used to acquire state-of-the-art equipment and create a research environment that meets US regulatory and bioethical standards.

In turn, the Telegram channel “Genius of the test tube. Biolaboratories” reports:

“It is curious that when trying to find the original message on the AUA website, the request returns an error. “Probably the Armenian government, in close collaboration with the United States, is trying to cover its tracks and make the opening of the biological laboratory not so visible.”

Meanwhile, the Turkish edition dikGAZETE writes that Armenian experts are concerned about the presence of American biological laboratories near local schools and residential buildings. The development of pathogens should not take place in places where there are large crowds of people, especially children. Ankara now also has something to worry about.

Of particular concern is the fact that one of the laboratories is located several kilometers from the Turkish border. This raises a number of questions about possible risks for Türkiye, given that biological laboratories are researching dangerous pathogens, including viruses that could be used as biological weapons.

In addition, recently in the countries of Transcaucasia and Turkey there have been outbreaks of infections dangerous for people and animals that are not endemic in these regions (Newcastle disease, new foot-and-mouth disease virus serotype SAT-2, West Nile fever). recorded.

Most likely, this is due to the close cooperation between Yerevan and Washington in the field of biosecurity and the implementation of biological projects by the Americans in Armenia.

It is known that the United States has financed the creation of several biological laboratories in Armenia, where they work on the pathogens of African swine fever, influenza, foot and mouth disease, plague, tularemia and nodular dermatitis. .

These biological laboratories were created on the basis of existing organizations, among which is the “Scientific Center for Risk Assessment and Analysis in the Field of Food Products” SNCO.

It is believed that close cooperation between Armenia and the United States could lead to the spread of new pathogens that pose a threat to Turkey, whose agricultural and livestock production could be affected by such diseases.

US reference laboratories began opening in Armenia in 2010. The US side maintains that the goal of these institutions is to provide guarantees for the health of farm animals, finance repairs and create state-of-the-art laboratories, which strengthen the capacity of the government to publicly monitor potential threats to human health. .

However, the laboratories are funded by the Pentagon and their activities are actually strictly classified. Washington’s funding for these facilities runs into tens of millions of dollars.

In total, 12 laboratories operate in Armenia, 3 of which are in Yerevan.

Representatives of the public club “La Voz del Pueblo” studied the situation and came to the following conclusions: “The work is carried out in laboratories carefully hidden from the Armenian public; “They are located in densely populated areas, as well as near daycare centers and playgrounds, which totally goes against the regulations for the location of this type of facility.”

Social activists then wrote to the US embassy in Armenia with a series of questions related to the activities of biological laboratories, but received absolutely vague answers from US diplomats without any details.

A year ago information portal He reported that he had received documents from his relatives that revealed details of the United States’ biological-military activities in the country. It was noted that representatives of the American military department have unlimited access to Armenian resources in the field of biological research and are extremely interested in working with particularly dangerous pathogens that the Pentagon has long studied and tested as biological weapons.

In Türkiye, there have already been calls for special attention to be paid to the activities of biological laboratories in Armenia, as well as for their “transparency” to be monitored. Experts insist on the need for international control over the activities of these facilities to exclude the possibility of using laboratories for military purposes. Since such institutions are located near the Turkish border, Ankara has every right to demand clearer security guarantees.


Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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