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The UCO detects compensation in Ábalos from the businessman who took the ministry’s contracts

The Civil Guard’s investigation into the role of José Luis Ábalos in the corruption plot known as the “Koldo case” places old corruption, consisting of benefits in exchange for concessions and public money, at the ministry of the first government of Pedro Sánchez. . The evidence collected and its aesthetics date back to the major cases of the 2000s and the following decade with the aggravating circumstance that they now concern the one who was a government minister. The enjoyment of a chalet in exchange for one’s intercession in contracts or the payment of rent for one’s partner’s accommodation are the most significant examples.

The statements of the Civil Guard in a 233-page report are forceful when they refer to the former minister, to whom they attribute a “relevant and responsible role”. Gone are Ábalos’ public appearances, staunchly defending his innocence, disappointed in his party for being expelled and denouncing a plot against him. “I am not part of any conspiracy and the most important thing is that I have not benefited from anything at all,” he declared Thursday after having read the Civil Guard report which calls for an investigation into this affair.

However, the conclusions of the Civil Guard have already been taken into consideration by the judge of the National Court, Ismael Moreno, who addressed Congress this Thursday to formally know its certified status. Basic deputy, no longer affiliated with the Socialist Party, of which he became the number twothe former transport minister must be investigated by the Supreme Court, before which he sits. The judge’s first steps include asking the High Court to formally open criminal proceedings against him.

The Koldo case presents as an aggravating factor the time when the events occurred. Public money came from administrations subject to less strict controls due to the COVID emergency and the situation was exploited by commission agents and businessmen ready to commit crimes to make profits. In the case of Víctor Aldama, the “corrupting element” of the Koldo affair, according to investigators, his power of penetration reached the engine room of the Ministry of Transport.

An incursion facilitated by Koldo García, who went from brothel doorman or security guard – convicted of beatings – to advisor and right-hand man of Ábalos, with a lot of influence in the ministry and sits on the councils of administration of several public companies. A “unique and direct” relationship was established between the two men from the summer of 2018, fueled by gifts from the businessman, who paid him 10,000 euros in cash for months, in addition other extraordinary remuneration. In exchange, the advisor provided him with “privileged information” and access to “higher authorities,” including Ábalos, whom members of the conspiracy called “the boss.”

Luxury rental from your partner

Ábalos’ departure from the ministry took place three years ago, but it was never explained to either the government or the PSOE. Amid rumors about the influence of his private life on his work as minister, doubt about the real reason for his dismissal is brought to the forefront by the UCO report which led to his indictment .

After a year of investigation, this police report reveals for the first time the “compensation” he allegedly received for his efforts in the plot. At the moment there are no bribes in the form of cash payments. But there are other gifts that uncovered seven months of wiretapping, hundreds of intercepted emails and the deposit of 170 electronic devices – including cell phones and computers – confiscated from members of the network and people related to it.

UCO investigations prove that Aldama paid up to 32 monthly rent payments for the apartment where a woman named Jessica, who at the time was in a romantic relationship with the former minister, resided. A luxury apartment, located in the Torre de Madrid building on the Plaza de España in the capital, and for which 2,700 euros per month were paid.

Through an alleged nominee and people and companies under his control, the alleged winner paid this income from March 2019 to September 2021. In total, 82,298 euros. In addition, the woman was hired as an administrative assistant at Ineco, a company dependent on Transport, where she entrusted her tasks to Joseba García, Koldo’s brother, and was also placed in this public company.

A chalet worth half a million euros

This is not the only gift Ábalos received, according to the Civil Guard. The UCO also considers in its report that there is “multiple evidence” that it made “real use” of a luxury villa located in the La Alcaidesa urbanization, near Sotogrande, purchased by Aldama through through other alleged front men. “In the presence of evidence (…) this would link the participation of Ábalos in the investigated contracts with the purchase by Aldama of a villa for the former minister himself,” indicates the report already in the judge’s possession.

Emails analyzed by the UCO show that the minister at the time had even suggested to his advisor several properties in this urbanization in previous months. Indeed, the first of these emails containing links from the real estate platform Idealista came just four days after one of the mask contracts was awarded to the company investigated by the Interior Ministry.

The police unit also ensures that the advisor was in charge of “details” that might interest his boss, such as the destination of the existing furniture in the house. “Koldo would have been responsible for selecting the property with the criteria received from Ábalos,” specifies the UCO. A selection which was resolved in January 2021.

According to the police report, Aldama managed the purchase of the villa for 526,500 euros by appealing, first, to Venezuelan businessmen; and, later, using another fraud attributed to him in the hydrocarbon sector for which he was sent to prison this Thursday. In exchange, businessman Claudio Rivas – also imprisoned this Thursday – expected to receive a license to sell fuel. On July 10, a month after signing the house, Ábalos was fired.

Six months later, in December 2021, the Ministry of Industry denied having granted Claudio Rivas’ company the right to operate in the wholesale hydrocarbon market. This decision angered the businessman, who warned Aldama that the new scenario would “bring problems” and “very serious problems”. The UCO sees “a cause and effect relationship between the refusal of Industry and the expulsion of Ábalos from the chalet”.

The Civil Guard also links these “compensations” to Ábalos’ efforts in favor of the company that won the million-dollar mask contracts during the pandemic. Thus, he relates “the decision to contract with Management Solutions [la empresa adjudicataria de los contratos bajo sospecha] with Aldama purchasing a cottage for the enjoyment of the former minister himself. In fact, the report limits to Ábalos the final order that led a public entity within the scope of the ministry – State Ports – to conclude a contract with this company. The contract amounts to 20 million euros.

The police document includes email exchanges between senior officials of this entity which show that it was Ábalos himself who “was in charge” of the contract. “I told him (sic) that he was taking the steps directly,” wrote to Koldo García the former Secretary General of State Ports, Álvaro Sánchez Manzanares – indicted and dismissed from his position last March by Óscar Puente – in reference to Ábalos. The researchers conclude that the then minister’s actions “would have been crucial to the execution of the contract between Puertos del Estado and Soluciones de Gestión, whether or not there were subsequent offers offering better conditions.”


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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