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HomeLatest NewsStorms leave 84 incidents managed in Castilla y León by emergency services

Storms leave 84 incidents managed in Castilla y León by emergency services

The heavy rains and storms that fell this Saturday afternoon in the east, center and north of Castilla y León have left a total of 84 incidents managed by the Community Emergency Services, most of them in the province of Burgos.

According to the 1-1-2 Emergency Center of Castilla y León, the operating room received throughout the afternoon, between 4:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m., a total of 156 calls to alert about 84 incidents linked to the consequences of the heavy rains that fell in the afternoon, althoughwithout bodily injury.

In all cases, the 1-1-2 operations room informed the corresponding services in each case, among which: municipal or provincial firefighterss depending on the location, the Local policethe Civil Guard and the Emergency Coordination Center of the Junta de Castilla y León.

By province, the one that generated the most incidents was Burgos, with 66 reviews. The majority of them, 37, occurred in the capital Burgos, with 18 floodssix water leaks, three road obstructions, four due to traffic hazards and one material damage, among other circumstances.

In the province, they succeeded 29 incidents in the localities such as Valdorros (5), Miranda de Ebro (3), Tordómar (2), Cogollos (2), Castrojeriz (2), Cardeñadió (1) and Aranda de Duero (1), with warnings of floods (8), water leaks (4), obstacles on the road (12) or power cuts and traffic hazards.


In the province of Valladolid Eleven incidents were recorded: six in Medina de Rioseco, two in Villabrágima, one in Tiedra, one in Manzanillo, one in Valladolid capital and one in Bóveda de Toro, due to four floods, three road obstacles, a water leak, a power outage and two hazards of falling objects.

In Palencia Calls were received regarding two incidents: a traffic hazard in the capital Palencia and a landslide in Espinosa de Cerrato. Segovia There were also two warnings: in Sacramenia due to traffic hazards and in Sebulcor due to obstacles on the road. Finally, in Boca de Huérgano, in Leon, A warning has been issued due to the danger of traffic and in La Bóveda, in Zamora, the risk of falling objects, reports Ical.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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