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The uncomfortable moment that Felipe VI, Letizia and Leonor experienced in the royal gallery due to the intense rain

This October 12, National holidaywill forever be remembered not only for the solemnity of the event itself, but also for the intense flood that devastated the city of Madrid. A persistent rain this has intensified greatly since early in the morning and this has meant that some of the major events organized for this day of the 12th have been canceled.

The water did not give any respite and partly tarnished this national holiday. From the start, he forced suspend the flypast: it ultimately could not take place, and the Eagle Patrol. The traditional jump Acrobatic patrol of Parachuting of the Air and Space Force.

A finally gray and overcast day experienced by the kings of Spain on the front line, at the royal tribune, Philip VI (56 years old) and Letizia (52), in the company of the Princess of Asturias, Eleanor of Bourbon (18). The royal family, which arrived shortly before 11:00 a.m. at the Plaza de Neptuno, he played in a awkward moment just when the land parade.

Persistent rains have forced monarchs and some authorities to shelter and abandon their positions. Queen Letizia and various members of the lodge were forced to move as heavy rain began to penetrate the stands.

Letizia, covered in a raincoat, took refuge, while The king’s uniform was completely soaked. For her part, Princess Leonor approached at one point to speak with her mother, who received her with a protective gesture.

The rain has become quite downpour in Madrid, so much so that those present were barely able to enjoy the parade.

Such a quantity of water entered the royal gallery that they removed, with some urgency, carpet so that they do not become waterlogged. Despite all this, the land parade continued in total normality, thus demonstrating a great professionalism and a royal sense of duty.

For his part, Felipe VI experienced this uncomfortable ordeal while speaking, in a corner of the platform, with the president of the government, Pedro Sanchez (52), and the Minister of Defense, Marguerite Robles (67). According to what has been published, the King raised, in this conversation, the possibility of suspending the parade.

In the end, everything went as planned. Once the intensity of the rain passed, the King remained in the forefront to preside over the parade on October 12, accompanied by Princess Leonor.

Queen Letizia, seated in the royal gallery, this Saturday, October 12.


Queen Letizia took a seat at some point. It should be remembered that Letizia suffers Morton’s neuromaa disease consisting of a pinch of the nerve of the metatarsal bone which causes pain and inflammation when you stand without moving for a long time.

The condition is linked to chronic metatarsalgia from which Letizia has suffered for several years, a fairly common injury which causes discomfort in the support area of ​​the sole of the foot. After the end of the parade, the kings of Spain, accompanied by Leonor, went to the Royal Palacewhere the reception of authorities and guests.




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