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HomeLatest NewsA waste, we no longer know if Sánchez is Txapote or Netanyahu

A waste, we no longer know if Sánchez is Txapote or Netanyahu

Preview for next week, Ábalos, Koldos and other cool guys. A small sample of The worldwhich left them little time.

Title from side to side, as much as possible, of the first page of the site The world: “Fear is growing in the PSOE because of the ‘Koldo plot’ after the UCO report: ‘The problem is knowing how many and what remains to be released’”; Federico Jiménez Losantos in the same media: “What was published yesterday and will continue to be published, because no one wants to go to prison or end up in a ditch, leads us to a material certainty: the hand that rocks the dough and negotiate. The impunity in the almost endless cases of corruption of the Sánchez government is, predictably, Sánchez. It was supposed to. It’s known”: and the editorial: “The only one who has always lied is the President of the Government. Sánchez authorized Delcy’s trip and, for six months, he has degraded democracy to hide a scandalous truth.”

But this week, things were more focused on ETA, “more alive than ever,” as Isabel Día Ayuso says, much more than in 1980, for example, when the gang murdered 91 people. Thus, the PP and Vox fell into the trap for having voted in favor – in Congress and in the Senate – of a legislative initiative of the Government by which ETA prisoners were counted in the years of prison spent in France, as Brussels indicated. Lazy, ignorant, stupid, they are called their own soldiers. But don’t worry, the bad ones, the real ones, the diabolical ones, the bloodthirsty ones, are those of the Bolivarian social-communist government. And more precisely, why deceive us, Pedro Sánchez, whom Lucifer has unleashed. And the approval of other texts such as the so-called Gag law is in progress.

The editorial of ABC says it very clearly: “The PP’s error has an infinitely shorter path to Sánchez’s political responsibility, which opens the way to the dismantling of a legislative structure decisive for the defeat of terrorism. » Or even more clearly, Rebeca Argudo, also in ABC: “The responsibility of the scammer is not the same as that of the scammer, let’s not lose sight of this”; Isabel San Sebastián: “Votes that draw blood. The PSOE pays Bildu’s blackmail and spits on the corpses of its own dead as long as Sánchez survives (…) Our police officers will be insulted, recorded or harassed by Otegi’s friends with complete impunity, they will not be able to use rubber balls to control riots like those that took place in Catalonia”; Ignacio Camacho: “Next year, the Batasunos will be able to receive with banners the guy who unlocked the neck of Miguel Ángel Blanco – after having tied him up –. And from there, as soon as the PNV gives up a little, we could even appoint him vice-advisor of something”; Álvaro Martínez: “At the orders of the bad guys. Leaving the security of citizens in the hands of the political “command” of a terrorist gang is the “nothing goes right” of political ruin, the very incarnation of capitulation to the bad guys (…) The current image of Marlaska with his pants ankles before Bildu directly affects the daily security of citizens. And beware of ignominy, for it is a high-flying thing. Luis del Val. Title: “When a police officer dies…”. Text: “When you are informed that a legitimate government, to secure the support of other political groups, prepares laws that unprotect those who protect us, you reflect that political selfishness cannot reach levels of misery so repugnant, that preserving power cannot do it. this means that it is permitted to send men and women to wounds, to mutilation, we do not know if to death, while the violent take advantage of the lack of weapons of these soldiers of order, and the riots will grow in the streets, outrages everywhere, and crimes everywhere.

The reason. Pedro Narváez: “The sentence reductions of famous ETA prisoners, due to their CVs adorned with death, are a slap in the face for the living victims and a poisonous incense for the dead. The new socialists do not even remember their own deaths (…) We are still getting used to the barbarity and absurdities of Moncloa. Every country deserves its Netanyahu. Here he is, swinging on the balconies of the palace.

The objective. Fernando Savater, about the Salvados show: “It already seemed abominable to me with its previous presenter, not to mention its current stage, led by an unscrupulous moral thug of those who unfortunately abound on ‘progressive’ television (.. .) Now a socialist lady Of course, in the Basque Country he is responsible for facilitating the release of happy murderers and a shitty program manipulates the most vulnerable bodyguards into insulting those they were guarding” ; Román Cendoya: “Sánchez complies with ETA. The Government releases its most bloodthirsty prisoners. This is what this immoral, disgusting and unethical left looks like. Necessary collaborators of the Sánchez armed gang, of his media spokespersons and above all of his voters.”

Okdiario. Carlos Dávila: “We are a hundred meters away from declaring that ETA, the deadliest gang in Spanish history, does not exist. Neither does Bildu, who is the one who directs State Security (…) The story (…) which has lasted since Zapatero became associated with the gang. Once again, the abject narration has changed the bloody portrait of this unfortunate calamity. And very angry with Feijóo: “The PP will remove the grapes on the left and will send Vox to the right to go harvest. This is also what this turn consists of, this view to the left that Feijóo began to repeat (…) If they are more stupid, they are born sheep”; Fran Carrillo: “It is already assumed that Sánchez frees the members of ETA with the same tranquility as he frees the rapists. He is an evil genius (…) We know that Pedro is content with a Spain where criminals rule the streets of their own free will.”

In Digital freedom They go out. Editorial: “The final approval of this mess will be the sole responsibility of the Sánchez government, for which Txapote could certainly vote”; Pedro de Tena: “Since 2004, everything has changed. Twenty years ago, another socialist, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, launched what Jaime Mayor Oreja (…) calls a “process of evil” aimed at whitewashing the murderers and their cause, abandoning the victims and destroying the nation Spanish (…) And now. , we see how the already repugnant evil of a social-communist government introduces changes in legal texts to reduce the punishment of ruthless murderers and even to free them. Chapote, Cantauri, Anboto, Mobutu and so on. » I told them this and they don’t listen to me. One day Agapito Maestre will get a jamacuco from here, I will wait for you: “The Spanish left is criminal and the right, without a doubt, is quite stupid, traitorous to its electorate and emasculated. Between Sánchez’s white-collar crime and Feijóo’s political incapacity, or worse, his lack of courage, ordinary Spaniards sense their dark future. No one will save us from disaster. Franco has been there for forty years and this scum will continue for a lifetime. The entire political caste is responsible for the release of the most bloodthirsty members of ETA. “It is proven that the nation does not exist and that the State is in the hands of terrorists and separatists.” Jesus, what a man!

The debate. Alfonso Ussía: “In the dining room of La Moncloa, there is no room for more than twelve guests. The Sanchezes are four; parents two. They total six. And six guests will complete the table. All charming. ‘Chapote’, ‘Anboto’, ‘Mobutu’, Bienzobas, Guridi and Lexuri Gallastegui (…) To assassinate so many innocent people, you have to work hard, and the President of the Government is moved by this effort”; Ramón Pérez-Maura: “During the 2023 elections, the image of a banner that anonymous citizens brought to a Pedro Sánchez rally went viral. It read ‘Let Txapote vote for you’ (…) It couldn’t be better. “Txapote voted for Sánchez and Sánchez rewarded him and his comrades in arms and shed blood.” With Vozpopuli We end this section. Its director, Francisco Rosell: “The new pact between the serpent of Sánchez and Bildu has balls and they are not made of rubber”; Miquel Giménez: “Communism always talks about the rights of assassins, it’s a shame that they forget the rights of victims (…) It is clear that democracy did not convince the assassins of Miguel Angel Blanco. This is what Patxi López is doing, a shame for a Basque, a Spaniard and a human being.

Pages and pages on Israel.

The reason. Francisco Marhuenda: “The Israeli people are fighting, once again, for their survival (…) A state in which nearly two million Palestinians live fully integrated and enjoy, logically, the same rights and freedoms as the population of Hebrew origin . There is no form of discrimination, because they are all Israeli citizens”; editorial: “Our government has lost the capacity for dialogue because it turned its back on Israel and Hamas and Hezbollah thanked it. His anti-Semitic tendency denigrates him and taints us all as a nation. Digital freedom, which spreads. Florentino Portero: “Sánchez and Zapatero believe that Islamism and narco-bolivarism are the future of the left”; editorial: “Israel will win, despite the anti-Semitism of half the world, despite the savage hatred of its fanatical enemies (…) this miracle that the Jewish people granted itself will continue to be what it has been during its 80 years of existence. recent history: a place of freedom and tolerance, a refuge for the persecuted and an oasis of democracy, reason and truth in the middle of a terrible desert of intolerance, darkness and dictatorships. I am Israel, I have! (The people of Israel live!)”; Matías Jové: “There are many meetings, public declarations of mutual support and collaboration between the Cuban dictatorship and Hamas and Hezbollah. »

The Gazette. Toni Canto. “The stuff about socialism and terrorists is unbelievable. This weekend a terrorist march is being prepared in support of the Hamas attacks of October 7. What savagery. It’s a shame something like this isn’t dispersed with fists.” The debate. Zoé Valdés: “Peace will only come when Israel is victorious. Only Israel’s victory over all this unreason will save the land, the Jews and save the world, thereby bringing peace. (…) Thank you, IDF (Israeli Armed Forces); Thank you, Benjamin Netanyahu. Am Israel Jai! Perhaps you, with an intelligence far superior to that of Catavenenos, understand Antonio Naranjo’s logic: “The same people who consider Colón more dangerous than Txapote have a new objective: to help those who planted the bombs of 11-M” ?

A little gem. Vozpopuli. Juan Abreu: “Barcelona, ​​the dirtiest (in many ways) frivolous and anti-Jewish city in Spain, as expected, filled its Ramblas with scoundrels who celebrated the rape of women, the disembowelling of babies, the beheading civilians, the execution, in their own homes, of entire families (…) To speak of progressivism in Sanchista Spain is to plunge into a putrid pond. In Spain, being called progressive is today the biggest insult.” But Abreu has solutions: “The Israeli army must expel all Hamas terrorists from Gaza and occupy the Gaza Strip for a renewable period of, say, 50 years. »

Don’t leave in distress. The giant doll in this week’s draw goes to… Luis María Anson, from La Razón!!!!:

“Apart from his mistakes – and we all make them – several very prestigious historians consider that Juan Carlos I embodied one of the four great reigns of Spanish History, with those of Carlos I, Felipe II and Carlos III. »



Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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