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“There is no one way to be a good mother. Every child needs special treatment.”

The podcast Fix yourself we are leavingby Cruz Sánchez de Lara, vice-president of EL ESPAÑOL and editor-in-chief of Magas and Enclave ODS, and Charo Izquierdo, director of Enclave ODS, talk this week about literature, with a very special guest, Ana María Bueno de la Peña, better known as Ana Rossetti (San Fernando, Cádiz, 1950). The author of theater, poetry and narrative genre has become a reference, both inside and outside our borders.

[Sonsoles Ónega en ‘Arréglate que nos vamos’: “La conciliación es una broma pesada”]

I may have written with pain, but also a lot of joy. She is a woman with two faces, pain and joy, and she writes from those two feelings,” says Charo. Cruz agrees: “That’s Ana’s magic: she doesn’t hide her emotions. When she’s happy, she’s the happiest. When she’s sad, she’s the saddest. She’s a teacher for generations, a feminist, a wise woman and a woman who has lived as she wanted, always with great consistency“.

Cruz Sánchez de Lara, Anna Rossetti and Charo Izquierdo.

Esteban Palazuelos

Rossetti is known above all for her work in the poetic genre, although she also wrote novels, essays and children’s stories. Remember the importance of the works, more than their authors and their names. In this sense, reflect on the change of the known neighborhood like Maravillas, in Malasaña.

Currently, the writer organizes guided tours of the region, in memory of some of the most important women in its history, such as Clara Campoamor. Charo Izquierdo takes the opportunity to ask her if she feels she has managed to change things, like these women to whom she pays tribute: “I don’t know if I changed things.but even if I don’t know about it at the moment, I find out later.

He adds: “One of the best things that poetry has brought me is that, in life, I received satisfaction. Since I have been writing so many things and for so many ages, I have been to children’s institutes several times and, over the years, I have discovered that these children were artists or teachers.

Many people have said to me: “You don’t remember when you came to my institute? What did you tell us?” It gives you awareness. You have to be careful what you say, because just like you give a person a chance, you could ruin their life. “Sometimes you have no idea, you say it without thinking about the harm or good you could do to someone.”

Ana has received several awards, the Gules Prize in 1980, the King Juan Carlos I International Poetry Prize in 1985 and the Andalusian Silver Medal in 1995, among others. For her, the most beautiful are the “unexpected” ones.

Let us, however, consider a common phenomenon among women, imposter syndrome. “When they awarded the Cervantes Prize to María Zambrano, her response was: ‘But are you sure I deserve it?’ Charo points out that all the guests on the podcast have confessed to suffering from this syndrome.

This reflection leads to another on bad mother syndrome. Ana Rosetti emphasizes: “There is no way to be a good mother. Every child needs special treatment and, moreover, you can perfectly and with good intentions make mistakes with your child.”

Postscript: “For many, being a good father or mother means punishing your children; for others, it means giving them free rein and granting them all their whims. I have never addressed motherhood in my writing, because it is so complex that I do not know how to get my hands on it. Cruz claims that, with all his experience and wisdom, he would do it the right way.

Get ready, we’re going with Ana Rossetti

Esteban Palazuelos

For his part, Charo wants to focus above all on a key period, the Movida, which marked Rosetti’s life: “I can’t say anything bad about La Movida because one of the successes of my book is that it came out in the 80s. Before or after, it would not have had the impact that it had. We must analyze what the opening was and what it meant. Very often, this opening was to the detriment of women.

Yet he remembers them as “some wonderful years of my life. That was why I could be known, creating relationships was great. But it is true that the Movida took a lot of people away.

Cruz ends up asking his guest for a literary reference: “It’s difficult for me to recommend, because it depends on each person and also of his vital moment. But to my surprise, the book Are A Wounded Body appeals to very different people, which makes me think it’s a very readable book. I also recommend it to you Wonderful If you want to know the names of the women who were my neighbors and who lived in the neighborhood.” References taken.

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