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HomeBreaking NewsMehriban Alakbarzade appealed to young people: "Do not make your life boring"

Mehriban Alakbarzade appealed to young people: “Do not make your life boring”

“I don’t know how long this meeting will remain in your memory, but I want to be honest in your memory. I may or may not be interested. I don’t know how interesting the chief director or the artistic director of a theater is. It will be for eighth graders or tenth grade. I can feel more comfortable with people who know me. That’s why I have a little excitement in my relationship with you.

These are the words of the Department of Education of the city of Baku “Caspian” Mehriban Alakbarzadeh, artistic director of the Azerbaijan National Drama Theater, honorary artist, said that the next guest of the “School” project was performed together with the newspaper. He expressed his enthusiasm for the meeting with the schoolchildren. The guest at the meeting held at secondary school no. 161 of Yasamal district remembered his school years.

We present that interview:

When I was a schoolboy…

“I don’t think your generation has seen the documentaries that I have made for many years. I exclude parents and teachers. I have about 80 series of artistic documentary films,” Mehriban said briefly about his creativity: “When I was in high school I studied two subjects: I loved literature and history. I tried to convey what I could not learn from history. When I was a student, there was nothing but the history of Gobustan. To speak more patriotically, I understood that it was not always like this. different until in the 18th century I began to study the period of the Khanates. For the first time, films were made in the sense of the Enlightenment.

The guest also highlighted his interest in literature: “My father was not a writer, he was a person from a completely different field. But in our house we had all the samples of classical and newly printed literature. The walls of our house were made up only of My father forced us to read. Every Sunday, “What kind of literature have you read?” he asked me. My desire to read literature was born out of obligation, even if I didn’t understand it.

Let’s chat…

Addressing those present, M. Alekbarzadeh invited the students to dialogue: “The best conversation is based on dialogue. If it remains a monologue, I can go very far. Let’s talk…”.

“What do you think today’s youth want?” – The answer to the audience’s question was interesting: “I see young people mainly at the receptions of the institute where I teach, in the selection of young personnel in the theater where I work and on social networks. In my opinion, today’s youth It is lost in the abundance of information. I hope that they, especially teenagers, have the intelligence to be able to choose because no matter how much they hit us, “don’t drink”, we still can’t kill this feeling. Go, take it so I can make the right decision?” Believe me, the more you read, the more experience you will have.

There are many winding roads to get there. Therefore, you must decide what is harmful and what is useful. Teachers do a very important job, they always point you in that direction. Trust is a very important factor here. To have that confidence, you must have a certain foundation. Your choice will determine your future path in life. If I tell you now not to follow harmful information and sites, you will. You just have to be able to choose. Our brains are not smarter than our stomachs. Our mind accepts everything. Reading is what I want to see in young people. I am a little dissatisfied with modern youth because they don’t read much. Because they are specifically dedicated to reading only the literature of their path. However, there may be many options. The more literature you read, the more you will become a person who has experienced life. The more languages ​​you know, the more people you can live for. This will manifest itself in your later life and career.”

“I collaborate with my students”

“How do you remember your teachers?” – in response to the student’s question, Mr. Alekbarzade spoke about the sanctity of the teacher’s name: “I have great respect for my surviving teachers, I remember with respect those who have passed away. It is very difficult to penetrate the heart of each student and get rid of them. I don’t have that right. I am a colleague of my students. My teachers didn’t give me this freedom until the end.

“Don’t make your life boring”

“Is the choice of the parents the main thing in the choice of specialty or the choice of the young people themselves? What would you recommend?” – M. Alekbarzade gave an interesting answer to the question: “Each of you was born from a love. One of you has the color of your mother’s eyes, the other looks more like your father or your grandfather. You are innocent beings that carry the genetic codes of your blood. You can make a person without meaning. Our genetic codes are everywhere, they feed on them, but they pass them on to another person. life. If it is not specifically an art, it is a way of life, not just a place where you can get paid. The profession you choose as a way of life will help you overcome all difficulties, the highest of the highs leads to promotions. If you have chosen this profession, there is no stronger factor than love. If you love your profession, it will give you great energy in your life. No matter how difficult it is, you will love your job. likes it, your life becomes boring. Don’t make your life boring. Career choice is very important.”

“Listen to your heart”

M. Alekbarzade also recalled his childhood dream: “I wanted to be a primary school teacher until the seventh grade. Then I realized that what I read made me try to write, draw, show something again. I didn’t know that this was called directing. , but I understood that he was not satisfied with what he read, he wanted to transfer them to something, emphasize things, reinterpret them, I could see that it could be any profession, but I couldn’t be a doctor. After all, I didn’t know how to inject myself, but they went after that one. field. I graduated from that school and they came to visit us. They used to say, “We thought you were going to be an astronaut,” but I knew that whatever I was going to choose, there would be literature and history in it. The job made me insist on my. choice. I wish you perseverance in your choice of profession. Of course, a father knows best. Naturally, he will want your favor. But listen to your heart.

An honest choice with an abundance of information.

“If you were a child of our time, would you still choose the director?” – to the schoolboy’s question, the visitor replied: “It is very difficult to be a child of this time. I will be successful on the field, I will be different from my classmates, even if I am small.” If it is not visible today, it will be visible tomorrow.” M. Alekbarzadeh pointed out that perhaps theater is not interesting for young people who see holograms in 6D format: “But theater is a live art. Not everyone listens to symphonic music. Because it is live and you can capture the synthesis of all the sounds, its soul.” He is not a popular guy, but he lays the foundation for people’s intelligence. I feel happy when I see young people going to the theater. It is a little different from the thinking of ordinary people. of today’s young people, “I think. In our time there were no cell phones, Internet or calculators. My time consisted of books, sheets of paper and pens. Do you know that I consider you a victorious young man? “An honest choice in the midst of so much information, science and education is the most correct way, those who know must lay the foundation on behalf of the Azerbaijani youth.”

Business card about our identity.

“What is the role of art in the development of humanity?” – the question from the audience made the guest think: “You probably go to museums. After all, I don’t know what the people who lived in the 12th-15th centuries breathed. I read, but I don’t have a visual vision. Image. Imagine, the paintings of the era that you look at tell you about that period. It contains events that you cannot imagine in your life. You learn about an era by looking at it, there are inscriptions on stones and signs. These play an invaluable role in forming a person’s taste for history. history. Time will pass, everything we believe will become a calling card of who we are.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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