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HomeLatest NewsMore Madrid denies women Pinto hygienic containers in the main municipal company

More Madrid denies women Pinto hygienic containers in the main municipal company

The Más Madrid Pinto group refused to place new hygienic containers in the workers’ toilets of the Aserpinto municipal company, where they deposit the feminine hygiene products. During the last Aserpinto council held two weeks ago, the party of Mónica García voted against to award the contract for the service of maintenance, collection and replacement of hygienic containers for female toilets in buildings managed by Aserpinto, through an abbreviated simplified open procedure and ordinary processing. All this for an amount of 399 euros excluding VAT.

The vote included 9 vote foramong them those of the government team (PP and Pinto Avanza), and they also voted in favor Vox and Podemos. The PSOE abstained and the councilor of Más Madrid, Elena Ancosvoted against.

This position of Más Madrid is striking, rejecting the use of hygienic containers to facilitate the lives of women in this public company when, four months earlier, in May, this same party registered a motion that began as follows: “Menstruation , as a necessary and fundamental natural process for the human species, has been and continues to be an uncomfortable issue, full of taboos and highly stigmatized, which has not received sufficient attention from public administrations.

And then he added: “In the 21st century, it is necessary to involve public administrations in the menstrual health of women, young people and girls, and especially in the access and management of menstrual products to eliminate menstrual poverty and achieve environmental protection objectives. sustainability.”

For this reason, Más Madrid requested in this request the distribution of reusable menstrual products and tailored to women’s different life stages and circumstances as a measure to combat period poverty and reduce waste.

Also that they learn menstrual education workshops aimed at the pre-adolescent and adolescent population to promote a positive menstrual culture and a change in perception around menstruation with the aim of eradicating taboos and social stigmas associated with menstruation.

And finally, training actions aimed at menstruating women on different topics related to menstruation such as prevention and detection of endometriosis, cervical or breast cancer, the need to know their complete menstrual cycle or the types of menstrual products that exist and their impact on health and the environment.

That is to say, Más Madrid presented a motion in May to subsidize feminine hygiene products, but in September of the same year it was the only party to vote against the installation of new trash cans so that the women of the Aserpinto municipal company can deposit these products there.

This municipal company of Pinto Auxiliary Services was created in 1997 to respond quickly and efficiently to the essential needs of the municipality. During this period, the company has assumed different responsibilities such as the management of municipal buildings, the maintenance of sports centers and swimming pools, or electrical maintenance and public lighting, among others.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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