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HomeLatest NewsThe myth of the “Valencian country” is dismantled with the words of...

The myth of the “Valencian country” is dismantled with the words of this brand

“Learn to respect how he does it anthem of the Valencian Community“. This is the message from the Alicante family and the Languages ​​and Education teacher platform to the leaders of Sumar Yolanda Díaz and Íñigo Errejón, as well as the Escola Valenciana, to use the term “Valencian country”.

Certainly, one of the official symbols like the musical piece of 1925 (approved by Valencia, Alicante and Castellón) which is interpreted in the representative institutional acts of the Valencian Community makes no reference to this toponym linked to the aspiration for independence of the “Catalan countries”.

On the other hand, as Languages ​​and Education points out, the anthem begins with a direct and integrating, non-separatist allusion, which is then repeated towards the end: “For offer new glories in Spain“All with one voice, come brothers”, is expressed in the Valencian language.

“Master Serrano, when ordering the words, anticipated Maximiliano [Thous] “One of his great loves was the land of Valencia, but every time he composed a hymn, he asked his collaborators that the word Spain appear in the first verse.”

The conductor and composer Vicente Chulia described on certain occasions during conferences hostility to this symbol and other official symbols, for example, Jeanne Fusterwith the intention of redirect them towards thoseCatalan countries‘.

In addition to this musical composition, Chuliá focuses on this fixation of these nationalist sectors precisely on the name of the territory, as well as on the flag and the language, in which they impose the Catalan words as their own.

Now that this issue has become topical when the second vice-president of the governmentYolanda Diazand spokesperson for Sumar in Congress, Iñigo Errejónhave used the term “Valencian country”, since Languages ​​and Education they claim the signs of identity provided for in the Statute of Autonomy.

Legal regulation of the name, flag and anthem

In this regard, as the President of the Generalitat Valenciana recalled from La Moncloa, Carlos MazonArticle 1 states that “the Valencian people, historically organized as the Kingdom of Valencia, are constituted as an autonomous community, within the unity of the Spanish nation, as an expression of their differentiated identity as a historical nationality and in the exercise of the right to self-government “that the Spanish Constitution recognizes all nationalities, under the name of Comunitat Valenciana”.

At the same time, article four establishes that “the flag of the Valencian Community is the traditional Senyera composed of four red bars on a yellow background, crowned with a blue band next to the mast”.

For its part, the law that regulates the symbols of the Valencian Community and their use reflects in its article 3 that “the official anthem of the Valencian Community is the anthem of the Regional Exhibition of 1909, approved by the mayors of the very illustrious city. Councils of Alicante, Castellón and Valencia in May 1925”.

Likewise, Languages ​​and Education emphasizes that during official events, the regional anthem and that of Spain are performed – in accordance with the law. “Let them stop daydreams of Jeanne Fuster and their attempts to divide and break everything within their reach”, they urge both politicians and Escola Valenciana and journalists from TV3 and El Nacional who asked President Carlos Mazón for this same non-existent geographical name.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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