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HomeEntertainment NewsSearches continue in Indonesia for missing French teenager in Bali

Searches continue in Indonesia for missing French teenager in Bali

Searches have been underway for a week on the Indonesian island of Bali to try to find a 14-year-old French teenager who disappeared during a hike on Mount Batukaru, it was reported on Sunday 1Ahem September with French consular services in Jakarta.

“We have asked the Indonesian authorities to continue the search beyond the statutory seven-day deadline, and the search continues.”said Elsa Rochier, French consul in Jakarta. “Important resources are being mobilized”he added.

The teenager, named Thibault, who was on holiday in Bali with his mother and two brothers, who live in the Paris region, had climbed Mount Batukaru, one of the two highest peaks on the island, during the day.

During the descent that same day in the late afternoon, the boy and his 16-year-old older brother “They both slipped and fell into a ravine”explained a relative contacted in France by Agence France-Presse (AFP).

The eldest son, who did not fall in exactly the same place, was able to call the emergency services the next morning, after having asked his brother, trapped on a ledge, not to move while he waited. Not seeing her two sons arrive, the mother raised the alarm that same night.

After a day of walking, the older brother was able to alert the emergency services, who, upon arriving, did not find the teenager, said this relative, adding that the missing young man did not appear to have been injured in the fall and had communicated verbally with his brother during the night.

“The rescue operation continues”“The search team is in a state of emergency,” Kadek Donny Indrawan, who is coordinating the Indonesian search team in Buleleng, in the north of Bali, told AFP. “Around thirty people are mobilized”He added, specifying that, “At the moment, the investigation does not[avaient] did not give results ».

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Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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