Monday, October 14, 2024 - 8:12 am
HomeEntertainment News“I think I have all ages at the same time. I am...

“I think I have all ages at the same time. I am like a 4-year-old girl, 15 years old, like a 50-year-old woman and 76 years old.”

Philologist, Hellenist and philosopher, Barbara Cassin is the eighth woman elected member of the French Academy, since the entry, on March 6, 1980, of Marguerite Yourcenar. In particular, he directed the European vocabulary of philosophies. The dictionary of untranslatables (Threshold, 2004), Lexicon of philosophical terms and concepts that have become untranslatable from one language to another. He wrote a philosophical autobiography, Happiness, his sweet tooth to death. (Fayard, 2020) as an ode to love, freedom and the beauty of the world. “Mortality sharpens all sensations, sharpens all loves”wrote there. He will turn 77 on October 24.

How do you see your death?

I see her as a pagan, that is, not as someone who can believe in an afterlife. The idea of ​​death, even the realization of a death, let’s say “natural”, is part of the order and beauty of the world. Being mortal defines humans. I understand that the gods envy us for this, because it is the only thing they don’t know.

Do you feel weakened in any way?

I feel less beautiful, that matters a lot, but I am not weakened. I feel full of energy, desires and will.

Do you feel that we should mourn beauty and seduction?

No, seduction, certainly not. Beauty, a certain kind of beauty, indeed, because I have no consideration for what you are/ But for the sweet memory of the beauties that I live.” [Ronsard]. I, the people who could have this sweet memory of me, are dead. But when you are loved, when there are people who equally find you beautiful, it doesn’t matter.

Is there any death that inspires you?

No, I don’t want my death to be at all like any other, nor my life. But, among the recent deaths that surprised me, was that of Hélène Carrère d’Encausse. [1929-2023]. Because she was entirely brave, entirely herself, until the end, being able, it seems, to order ten pairs of shoes from Carel.

He knew that at one point he called Benoist de Sinety, a priest he trusted, to ask him to come, telling him: “It is time and I am at peace. » She brought her children close to her one last time to “do kolkhoz,” as she said, and then she died. I found this sequence very sweet and great at the same time. It suited him well. You have to make death fit into your life.

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Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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