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HomeBreaking NewsGovernment-supporting parties booed during protest against rising property prices

Government-supporting parties booed during protest against rising property prices

The demonstration against abusive real estate prices, organized this Sunday in Madridwhen three friends entered a carriage on line 1 of the metro. The conversation turned to their living conditions: with a full-time job, they can’t afford more than a shared room in Madrid, but they said they would live the same way in Madrid. Barcelona or Malagawhere other demonstrations took place.

One of them then took out his cell phone and saw a fight on Twitter. “Tesh Sidi -deputy of Add inside Congress— posted a tweet and they reproach him,” he came to tell the other two. The others responded with the same proclamations that had been heard during the demonstration. “As if his party was not in government “, they settled.

The link went further, because the representative wanted to be Minister of Housing in this same fight, exonerating herself from what the PSOE through the portfolio of Isabel Rodríguez and what the PP at the town hall and in the Community of Madrid.

However, none of these excuses worked for the left-wing parties that supported the government during the protest. “We can retire”, “No more Madrid, no more misery”was heard in some songs.

The face of the leader of Sumar, Yolande Diaz, in the meantime, it appeared on posters alongside those of Pedro Sáchez and Ayuso: “No more cement-faced politicians, no more bricks in Monte and Prado.”

The demands shouted by the Protestants clearly showed what they did not want: “Today in the photo, Friday an expulsion“In fact, they established it well before, both through statements and posters that political parties should join the protest at the end of the protest.

Those who were

Left Congress parties were represented at the protest. From the PSOE to Podemoseven if only the latter took out large flags with his name.

THE Socialist youth They went to the demonstration to look for Isabel Díaz Ayuso. The banner read: “The rich and the PP do not want to regulate your rents.”

Reyes Marotospokesperson for the socialist group at Madrid City Hall and former Minister of Industry, Commerce and Tourism during the last legislature, carried a sign stating: “We seek to respect the law on housing”.

The spokesperson insisted to the mayor of Madrid, José Luis Martinez-Almeidato no longer apply the housing law approved by the Spanish government “look the other way” facing the situation. Maroto said the approved measures must be implemented urgently to stop price rises.

It’s not worth it for the protesters, and they’ve made that clear in their manifesto, in previous and subsequent statements. For example, the top button of the shirt: the proclamation of “the housing law is shit”.

Sumar was also represented at the demonstration. Elizabeth Duvalparty communications secretary or Tesh Sidinational representative, were among the demonstrators. In addition, Yolanda Diaz He supported the protest on Twitter, where he received all kinds of criticism.

The spokesperson for More Madrid at City Hall, Rita Maestrecalled the mobilization a “turning point” in solving the housing crisis, which he sees as the biggest problem facing the city.

However, Podemos was the only party to have a representation with visible flags before the start of the march. The representative to Congress was present Ione Belarra and MEPs Irene Montero and Isa Serra.

In fact, Serra is the one who advanced the most and struggled with Serigne Mbayé Dioufanti-racist secretary of the purple formation and former regional deputy for Madrid. In Cibeles, some demonstrators moved aside to let the rest pass, with the idea of ​​waiting for the members of Podemos to reproach them for their presence.

When the leader of the purple formation reached these demonstrators, the shouts began: “We can be guilty”, “shame” and “we can be rent-seekers”. He was mainly criticized for being there for the photo while under his governments expulsions were authorized.

The Serra pass and Mbayé to continue towards Callao This was discontinued, but they decided to continue, even with some problems. Resistance to the passage of other supporters who were under the brand caused some clashes and even face-to-face confrontations. They reproached a member of Podemos: “Social democrat!!”

A Podemos supporter faces three criticisms.

Workers’ unions also received cries of protest. “Commissions and unions UGT, PP“, we sometimes heard at the level of Cibeles, while other times their names rhymed with “power unions”.

As organizers had already warned, they didn’t want anyone taking over a protest calling for a rent strike. Or what amounts to the same thing: they threaten to stop paying the rent until the problem is resolved once and for all. “The progressive parties, accomplices of the rentiers” And “He who governs housing defends himself”they warned, among other things, in the form of songs.




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