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HomeLatest Newswe can already see a 'unicum' on the peninsula

we can already see a ‘unicum’ on the peninsula

In 1993and after having carried out some archaeological tastingsthey were found in Gallegos Gate remains of two funeral mausoleumswhich have been rebuilt according to the original models. Since then, these buildings, despite their central location, are great unknowns for the people of Cordoba and tourists, as they have so far lacked a stable programme of visits.

From this Sunday, and in principle for a year, There will be guided tours on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundaysthanks to the hiring by the City Hall of the company Eventour. In this way, the failure of the visits program that the City Hall and the University were going to launch in 2021, and which never came to fruition, is remedied.

“It’s a spectacular heritage and one ‘unicum’ in the Iberian Peninsula” assured, during the opening day of the visits, the Director of Eventour, Arturo Ribera. “These are mausoleums that housed body of someone very importante, because they are located very close to the city walls,” he said.

Just across the street is the famous Roldán pastry shop, where there is a preserved piece of wall. “Roman laws determined that the dead man must have been outside the city by hygienic and religious reasons But those who wanted to remain famous even after their death buried themselves as close to the wall as possible,” he explained.

The two mausoleums are inspired in the of Augustus, in Romeand thus follow a series of models in this regard, of which traces still remain. “The mausoleum of Augustus has biblical proportions, this one is much smaller but is decorated in the same way. Have marble slabs that will surround it with reddish color, crenellated and some speculate that there could be bronze auric letters with information about the family, and there is also speculation that there would be vegetation on the roof,” detailed the guide of the first visit, Miguel Barrón. Precisely, in several parts, you can still see remains of this reddish marble that covered the funerary monument.

Visitors to the mausoleums on their first day of opening


THE visit himself, depending on the time of year, begins outside the mausoleums with a General introduction to the city of Cordoba at that time, its origin and why the monuments are located there.

Later it goes to major mausoleumwhere you can sightseeing in a circle above the funerary urn of the Roman patrician. This urn, where his ashes rested, is visible at the bottom and in the center. The smaller mausoleum, where the bodies of some members of his family and his freedmen would have been buried, is today transformed into a small center of interpretation of the funus; that is to say, the honors, customs and Roman funeral practices. Concretely, that of these mausoleums is the cremation carried out inside.

It is also important to know the funeral customs during this visit as relationship between the mausoleums and the city itself, something marked by roadway preserved in the ground and that he was heading on one side towards the amphitheater located in the rectorate of the University of Córdoba and on the other towards the interior of the then Roman city, crossing the wall which, as has been indicated, was located where Roldán is.

But in another nearby company, Bershka, there are thermal baths in its basement, something fully linked to the Roman civilization, who when arriving in the city stopped to take a bath. Visits vary in schedule depending on the month.. Information and reservations can be requested at the number 645 363 298 or by email


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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