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HomeBreaking NewsLike a gangster film but without being a film

Like a gangster film but without being a film

Imagine that you are the spectators of a film which deliberately takes place in the dark. The screen is sometimes lit by lightning which allows you to see the movements of the characters.

One of them took place on January 20, 2020 in Barajas, with the vice-president of the Venezuelan dictatorship, the Spanish Minister of Transport, the inevitable Aldama and forty mysterious suitcases.

All this, and a few pages of the script recovered by the UCO, allowed us to begin to better understand certain previous episodes (the government’s relationship with the Chavista dictatorship, the rescue of Air Europa, that of Plus Ultra…) and understand knowing the protagonists (Abalos, Koldo, Begoña Gomez, Delcy Rodriguez…).

Businessman Víctor de Aldama appears before the Balearic Parliament committee.

Europe Press

The main thing is of course Pedro Sanchezand here the film failed a bit because we still wouldn’t need to know who is petting the cat. Because, from what we see, this movie is about gangsters.

Now try to compose a coherent story with the scattered scenes that we already know. It’s much easier than a movie Nolan.

Aldama defrauded the Treasury of 180 million euros, appears in the mask plot, obtained Russian gold for Delcy to pay its unpaid debts to Globalia and for Globalia to be saved with 475 million euros. He paid the rent for the apartment of the -ahem- Ábalos couple on timeand bought an apartment on the beach to put at his disposal. He hides 70 million abroad.

Begoña Gómez coincided in 2019 with Javier Hidalgo and Víctor de Aldama in St. Petersburg, visited Globalia headquarters in June 2020 and returned there on the afternoon of July 16 to meet with Hidalgo. Hours earlier, her husband, President Sánchez, and the vice president had met Calvino and Minister Ábalos to study the rescue of Air Europa.

A few hours later, Hidalgo and Aldama went to the Ministry of Transportation to speak with Ábalos. And a little later, Koldo sent an email to Aldama telling him that Ábalos had told Hidalgo that this rescue, which would be officially approved by the government four months later, had already been granted.

In March 2021, Sánchez saved with 53 million euros the airline Plus Ultra, bankrupt before the pandemic, which barely provided services in Spain and whose main shareholders are businessmen close to Wall. From that moment on, he also took care of transporting suitcases to Barajas.

For his part, Sánchez’s foreign minister refuses to call Venezuela’s drug dictatorship a dictatorshipunder the pretext that “I am not a political scientist”. And the Spanish socialists convince the Europeans not to recognize him as president Edmundo Gonzalezwinner of the elections.

Koldo, a former security guard and Ábalos’ right-hand man (“an exemplary activist” according to Sánchez), got rich from the sale and purchase of masks during the pandemic. And he calls the Congress president, who was also his client, a “darling”.

Pedro Sánchez, I have already said, fails a little in the film because for the spectator, it should be like Kevin Spacey In Usual suspectsa seemingly harmless character who is actually the supercriminal Keyser Söze.

However, From the first minute, we saw that he is a perfectly amoral charactercapable of anything to maintain power, his main role in the plot will therefore not be a surprise.

A man suspects that his wife is cheating on him, he hires a detective and gives him a detailed report. Every afternoon, a man comes to pick her up and takes her to an apartment; They enter hugging each other and stay there for about two hours. Then she leaves a little disheveled, takes a taxi and goes home.

-Have you been able to see what is happening inside the apartment, asks the troubled husband.

-No, replies the detective.

-Well, then I still have a doubt.

It is important to understand this film as soon as possible, because it’s not a movie. The judges and the police will do their job. It is up to us, citizens, to try to understand what happened, with the pieces we have, trying to integrate them into a coherent puzzle. If possible, with more caution than a skeptical cuckold.




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