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HomeLatest NewsCir&Co lowers the curtain with some 58,000 participants

Cir&Co lowers the curtain with some 58,000 participants

The 12th International Circus Festival of Castilla y León, held since August 29 in Ávila, closes this Sunday with the participation of approximately 58,000 people in the capital and 5,500 others in the lineup which, for the first time this year has spread to the province. In the latter case, the shows end on September 5.

Thus, the Vice-Minister of Cultural Action, Mar Sancho, made a “very positive assessmentdespite some bad weather” – storms forced the suspension of some performances this Saturday. However, he estimated that the entire program “filled the squares, the streets, the palaces” and even 13 different spaces in the city of Ávila. Furthermore, regarding the extension to the province for the first time, he assured that he had obtained with “great success and acceptance by the population.”

Sancho highlighted how “Ávila and Castilla y León have once again positioned themselves as reference for the performing arts at the national and international levelwith a Festival that is increasingly recognized and valued inside and outside the Community.

All this “thanks to a program designed to expand all aspects of the Festival: celebration spaces, participating companies, preview shows and participating countries, with more than 320 activities, increasing in more than 80 detained last year”he said.

In this sense, the vice-advisor announced that 34 percent of online ticket sales come from outside Spainwith 29 percent from France, 12 percent from Belgium and Great Britain, and 10 percent from Portugal. Of the 66 percent of sales in Spain, 43 percent come from Castile and Leon and 27 percent from Madrid among the main origins, followed by Catalonia, the Basque Country and Extremadura.

In addition to all these proposals, there is the new addition of extending the Festival to the province, offering shows in seven municipalities and focusing on Bringing culture to rural areaswithin the framework of the objectives of the Ministry, thanks to institutional collaboration, with the coordinated work between the Junta de Castilla y León, the City Council of Ávila and now also the Provincial Council of Ávila.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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