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Uncle kills his son in his underwear: HISTORICAL IMAGES of the horrible crime

On the night of August 1, 2020, Alakbar Amirov, born in 1994, resident of the Shabran district, was murdered.

Taleh Atamoglanov, born in 1995, who injured him, was detained by employees of the district police station.

In connection with the incident, a criminal case was initiated in the District Prosecutor’s Office under article 126.3 of the Penal Code (intentionally causing serious damage to health, when carelessness causes the death of the victim).

According to the forensic expert’s opinion, 1.93% ethyl alcohol was found in the deceased’s blood, which is considered moderate intoxication in humans.

Lent.az has obtained the investigation materials of the murder case.

The investigation revealed that on May 17, 2020, at 10:30 p.m., Taleh Atamoğlanov and his friends visited the “Mekan” cafe located in the Guba district. In the end, the friends insulted Badirkhan Muradov, the tenant of the place, with inappropriate expressions due to a dispute over the bill they had to pay. Taleh smashed the beer glass and his own mobile phone on the floor. During the fight, Taleh also knocked over tables and chairs at the cafe’s entrance, hit and broke lighting panels with his hand, and destroyed property belonging to the establishment. Badirkhan Muradova, who tried to prevent their vandalism, suffered bodily injuries. Additionally, T. Atamoghlanov stabbed his cousin Alakbar Amirov in the left thigh area with a knife during an argument in front of his house in the village of Guneshli in the Shabran region at around 2 a.m. on August 1. The injured man died of acute asphyxiation while being transferred to the hospital.

Taleh Atamoglanov, questioned in the case, said that on May 17 he went to a cafe in the Guba district to drink beer with his friends Rashad Taghiyev and Rashad Mammadov. When the waiter came up and told him that the bill was 6 manats and 50 kopeks, he told him that he should only have 6 manats and that he would give him the 50 kopeks later:

“At that moment, Badirkhan Muradov, the owner of the cafe, approached me and demanded that I pay the full bill. I told him that I regularly went to the cafe and that, if necessary, he could pawn my mobile phone. When Badirkhan Muradov He did not agree and asked for the money, Rashad Taghiyev took out 100 manats from his pocket and handed it to him. After Badirkhan paid the bill, I returned the rest of the money and went to the kitchen. The tenant of the building ignored my request. and. I broke my mobile phone and a glass of beer. Hearing this, Badirkhan came to us angrily. Although my friends took me out of the yard, because my anger did not subside, I lifted the table and chair at the entrance of the premises. He threw them to the ground.

I also broke the light panels in the cafe’s patio. “We went to the town where we live by taxi.”

On August 1, around two in the morning, Taleh Atamoghlanov watched television and drank alcohol at home. When he heard a noise in the street and went out, he saw that his cousin Alakbar Amirov, who lived in the house next door, was arguing with his relative Nahid Nuriyev:

“When I asked why they were arguing, Alakbar cursed me and that’s why we threw hands. I returned home and took the knife from the kitchen and when I returned, I hit my uncle’s son’s leg in front of the house. My relatives and The nearby residents gathered around hearing Alakbar, who fell to the ground and screamed. I dropped the knife in my hand and went home after half an hour, I found that Alakbar died on the road to curse.

Fazail Amirov, legal heir of the victim, stated in his statement that on August 1 he was with his father Mazahir Amirov at his sister’s house in the city of Sumgayit:

“Around 3 in the morning, our neighbors called my father and informed him that Taleh had stabbed Alakbar and that he had been taken to the hospital. We found out that Alakbar had died when we reached the district.

I later learned that after drinking alcohol with Nahid Nuriyev, the husband of my uncle’s daughter, in the house where my brother lives, an argument broke out between them on the street. Hearing her voice, my aunt’s son, Taleh Atamoghlanov, went out into the street in his underwear, Alakbar told him. After that, Taleh beat my brother with a knife he took from home.”

Witness Nahid Nuriyev said that on August 1, he and his father-in-law Rovshan Garayev went to visit Alakbar Amirov’s house around 10 pm after doing their daily chores:

“While I was sitting in the courtyard eating and drinking, my phone rang, so I got up from the table and walked away to talk. While I was talking, my father-in-law shouted and told me to turn off the phone. After that, Alakbar shouted and demanded So an argument started between me and Alakbar, Taleh Atamoglanov, who lives in the neighborhood. When he asked, Alakbar gave him a rude answer and came back and stabbed Alakbar in the leg. knife from his son’s hand. They began to scream and ask for help. We took the injured man to the Central Hospital of Khachmaz in the car of a person named Elnur, who lives in the neighborhood.

At the court hearing, Taleh Atamoglanov pleaded guilty to the charge. The legal heir of the victim requests that the accused be severely punished. Badirkhan Muradov, the victim, said he has no complaints against him.

The court considered that Taleh Atamoglanova should be sentenced to imprisonment within the scope of the sanctions provided for in articles 126.3 (deliberately causing serious harm to health, negligently causing the death of the victim) and 221.1 (vandalism) of the Criminal Code.

Taleh Atamoglanov was sentenced to 12 years in prison by the Baku Serious Crimes Court.

We present those images to you:

Uncle kills his son in his underwear: HISTORICAL IMAGES of the horrible crime

Uncle kills his son in his underwear: HISTORICAL IMAGES of the horrible crime


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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