Tuesday, October 15, 2024 - 8:52 am
HomeLatest Newsthe festival begins to take shape under a sky that threatens rain

the festival begins to take shape under a sky that threatens rain

A green plant, as if untangled, hangs from a structure in the courtyard of the columns of the Viana Palace. These are the first works of the installation precisely titled ‘The Frayed Being’, by the Canadian artist Coyote flowers. Alongside her, nine people are working so that she is ready to receive the public next Friday.

With Dalí as a source of inspiration, the beginning of the work is barely identified with the final work which will occupy much of this space. The work begins on Flora Festivalwhich, given the rain forecast, already has an emergency plan based on the experience of previous years.

Last year, the festival encountered the famous storm which swept away, among many trees, the Saint Raphael from the Plaza del Alpargate, as the festival’s artistic director humorously recalled, Emilio Ruiz Mateo.

Although there is no outdoor cultural event that can withstand such wind and rain, the organization has been developing a plan against it for several years. rain which could perfectly appear in October.

“We have seven editions of experience and we always count on rain, so in patios that do not have bridge “We can set up tents to continue working without problems,” explained Ruiz Mateo.

“We even managed to resolve the case of last year’s storm, although it required us to work a lot,” he noted. “In addition to the fact that all facilities have a rain plan, some would benefit from it, because the flowers They are resurrected,” he revealed.

Could this be the case with “The Frayed Being”? The question remains because very little can be revealed. Anglicism is often used ‘spoiler’ for those cases in which almost nothing is advanced. The mystery will last for a few days until the guided tours of the facilities begin.

Inspiration from Dalí

“I want to convey that nothing is complete, but as if frayed,” explained the artist Coyote Flowers, who was inspired by surrealism, and more particularly the works of the painter Salvador Dalí. “I first wanted to feel the space and see what made sense there, and I thought of the natural spaces that Dalí created in his paintings,” said the Canadian. “I wanted to start a dream surrealist connected to multiple species,” he explained.

Nothing can yet be explained precisely about these multiple species, although this obeys the leitmotif of this edition. “We almost always understand that human being is in the center, and everything around is at our service, in this case we try to change focus and that all species have the same importance”, said the artistic director of the festival, who emphasized that “we also want to talk how plants need others species life”.

And on the basis of multi-species, five installations will be deployed in addition to the aforementioned Coyote Flowers in Viana, the Courtyard of the Orange Trees of the Mosque-Cathedral will host ‘Inversions’, by Emily Thompson (United States), the courtyard of the clock Palace of Mercy “Among Magnolias”, by the group This Humid House (Singapore); the entrance patio of Vimcorsa, ‘Un Pensamiento Vegetal’, by Eugenio Ampudia in collaboration with Alejandro Banegas (Spain), and the central patio of the Palace of Orive‘Con Fusión, by the winner of the Patio Talento called Carolin Ruggaber (Germany).


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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