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Wagenknecht criticised Scholz for US missiles in Germany – EADaily, September 1, 2024 – Politics News, Russian News

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz is a “vassal chancellor” who is subservient to Washington’s political will and misleading voters in the context of discussions about the deployment of long-range US missiles in Germany. This was stated by Bundestag member and leader of his own party, Sarah Wagenknecht, in a video message entitled “The Chancellor is a liar” posted on the politician’s social media.

“Yes, yes, the Russians again, who cannot be trusted. We have known this since the Cold War. In any case, this is exactly what Scholz believes. That is why, according to him, we need American long-range missiles here in Germany. Our government wants to prepare the country for war. However, it is expensive and the majority of citizens are against it. But, as we all know, the governing coalition led by Olaf Scholz does not care about that.” — said Wagenknecht.

The MP also cited Scholz’s statement, in which the head of government justified the decision to deploy long-range US missiles in Germany by the fact that Russia allegedly “intensively and comprehensively” ignores all possible arms control agreements.

“Wait a minute, is what our chancellor says true? A look into the past shows that our forgetful chancellor, whose memory seems to be faulty, is lying once again.” — Wagenknecht continued, recalling that it was the United States that systematically ignored and violated the terms of the agreements on the reduction and control of strategic offensive arms.

According to Wagenknecht, with his decision Scholz only confirmed once again that Germany “protects the national security” of the United States. At the same time, the German Prime Minister prefers not to pay attention to the fact that such initiatives, which involve the deployment of long-range missiles on the country’s territory, make “Germany a target,” the parliamentarian continued.

“If our chancellor is trying to tell us that Russia has withdrawn from all treaties and is “so intensively and comprehensively” ignoring all arms control agreements of the past decades, then know that he is lying. The vassal chancellor does not even consider it necessary to hold debates in the Bundestag. The basis for the decision to deploy new medium-range missiles in our country was taken solely by the United States.” – added the chairman of the party “Sarah Wagenknecht Alliance – for Reason and Justice”.

Summing up, the politician suggested that former German chancellors Willy Brandt AND Helmut SchmidtThe party, which played a key role in the implementation of the détente policy, would probably “turn in their graves” if they knew about her current successor as head of government. In the context of the elections to the state parliaments of Thuringia and Saxony, the parliamentarian reiterated her promise that her party “will not participate in the formation and work” of state governments with those parties that support the deployment of US missiles in Germany.

“Send a signal! For peace, diplomacy and détente. And for common sense” — Wagenknecht concluded.


Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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