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HomeLatest NewsSenne had already expelled the two socialist deputies in June

Senne had already expelled the two socialist deputies in June

It was the second time that the President of the Balearic Parliament, Gabriel Le Senne (Vox), was forced to expel the two socialist deputies Mercedes Garrido and Pilar Costa to display the symbols on the house table. According to Le Senne, the Council of Parliament must be neutral and showing photos of the victims of the Franco regime “breaks neutrality”. Garrido is the second vice-president of the Parliament and Costa, the second secretary.

During the plenary session this Tuesday, which had on the agenda the initiative to repeal the law on democratic memory, it was already predicted that there would be conflicts since several PSOE deputies, including Garrido and Costa , showed up with T-shirts showing the image of Aurora Picornell, known as Majorcan passionflowerand other victims of Francoism, the Roges del Molinar.

On this occasion they wore t-shirts and on June 18, during the first fight, the socialists had photos of the aforementioned victims of Francoism on their seats.

During the session of June 18, which also debated the repeal of the Memory law, Gabriel Le Senne already expelled Garrido and Costa after calling them to order several times. “I ask that the portraits be removed” the president told Garrido and Costa, arguing for the need to “preserve the neutrality of the Council.”

Garrido then responded to Le Senne that the photographs are there as an “act of justice and reparation” and, to the applause and standing up of the representatives of the PSIB-PSOE, he criticized the President of Parliament for having touched his computer to remove the portrait. by Picornell. It was at this time that Le Senne accidentally tore Picornell’s portrait. Senne then expels the two deputies.

“It is my responsibility to maintain order, The Council must be neutral”, insisted the President of the Parliament, deeply regretting this situation” and criticizing that two people “who should set an example, not only did not set it, but refused to obey”.

PSOE deputies with the Picornell t-shirt during the plenary session of June 18, 2024.
Since this incident of June 18, Le Senna has been lynched by the left and by entities linked to the defense of the Memory Law and has been accused of hate crime in court. Demonstrations against Le Senne also took place with the participation of PSOE deputies from the Balearic Islands.

At the same time, the PSOE of the Balearic Islands and the entire left by extension have transformed Aurora Picornell into an idol and all because of the controversial intervention of the President of Parliament in the rAccidentally overwrite your photo.

The left constantly pays tribute to Picornell for his status of victim of Francoism while Systematically ignores people murdered by the Republican camp. The repression of this faction was particularly bloody in Menorca, where the actions of Picornell’s partner, Heriberto Quiñones or, rather, Efim Granodowsi, what was the real name of the Moldovan who entered Spain in December 1930 Published by Joseph Stalin to organize the Communist Party in Mallorca, Valencia and Asturias, a community in which he obtained a false birth certificate which credited him as a Gijón man born in 1907 called Heriberto Quiñonez González.

Yefim Granodowsi went tointellectual author of one of the episodes of repression the bloodiest of the civil warthe cold-blooded murder in November 1936 of more than 70 people prisoners of the Republican side on the ship Atlante, anchored in the minority port of Mahón, in retaliation for the bombings carried out a few hours earlier by the Italian air force sent by Mussolini.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
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