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The Senate mistakenly broadcasts a closed-door PP meeting where Bendodo thinks there will be budgets

This Tuesday, the Senate mistakenly made public a meeting of the PP held behind closed doors where the deputy and the deputy secretary general of Autonomous and Local Policy, Elias Bendodosaid he believed it was likely that the Government would eventually present the draft General State Budget for 2025, according to parliamentary sources. These sources attribute what happened to a “Technical failure of the Chamber” who gave the signal for the meeting even though it had been called behind closed doors. The signal was eventually distributed “the internal circuit” without having the authorization of the Popular Group, underline the sources.

Concretely, the PP reserved the Clara Campoamor Room -the same one that hosts the sessions of the Koldo Commission on PSOE corruption – hold a meeting with more than 40 representatives of municipalities, municipalities and advice of his training. Senators were also present, although not all were summoned. However, members of the Upper House, unrelated to the Popular Group, recorded Bendodo’s words without authorization and the signal was broadcast through the “internal circuit” of the Upper House. any group with access Parliamentarian of the Senate.

A “possibility”

During this meeting, Bendondo declared with his colleagues that he considered it likely that the government of Pedro Sánchez would end up presenting the general state budgets for 2025. The assistant secretary for equality, conciliation and social policy then asked, during a press conference in Genoa, Ana AlosRegarding this perception of her partner, the leader of the PP declared that it was of course “a possibility”. “Everything will depend on what Pedro Sánchez is willing to pay. And it is clear that his partners, the weaker they see him, and now the more he is cornered by corruption, the more they will demand a high price for their support of the budgets,” he noted.

“Whether Sánchez likes it or not, we have few doubts because so far he has paid everythingno matter how hard what he had to pay was,” added Alós at the national headquarters of the popular.

“No” municipalism

During the meeting of the Upper House, the spokesperson of the PP in the Senate, Alicia García, and the deputy secretary of Autonomous, Local Policy and Analysis of the PP, Elías Bendodo, denounced to their colleagues the “nothing” from the government from Pedro Sánchez to municipalism, as reported by the Popular Group through a statement at the end of the meeting.

Furthermore, García informed provincial leaders that his group will implement a Local Entities Commission “to strengthen the voice of our cities and continue to talk about their problems, despite the government’s refusal.” “In this way, the receptiveness of the Legislative Power to the problems and requests of our local entities will be facilitated and improved,” the popular point out.

During the meeting, which was also attended by the deputy secretary of the FEMP, Luis Martínez-SiclunaIn addition to senators and provincial representatives, Alicia García explained that, through this new commission promoted by her group, the mayors and presidents of provincial and island governments They will have a voice in the Senate and they will be able to work in coordination with the FEMP. “This initiative responds to the territorial character of the Chamber and the PP’s commitment to municipalism and provincial and island governments in the face of the contempt of this government,” García emphasized during the Senate meeting.

For his part, Elías Bendodo deplored that “local councils and administrations have become the ATMs of an incapable and absent government, which “He is only responding to the blackmail of the independence movement.”. Furthermore, he recalled that “the PP is a deeply municipalist party that has always defended the work of these institutions, because they are the ones that maintain the basic services of thousands of Spaniards, especially in the municipalities of less than 20,000 inhabitants”.

Likewise, the assistant secretary popular He explained that seven working groups have been formed – led by the presidents of the PP provincial councils – which address the needs and solutions of rural Spain in terms of local financing; municipal assistance services; the fight against depopulation and access to European funds; strategies to promote sustainability and rural development; the skills review; hydraulic policy; and new challenges linked to new technologies and the digital divide.

At the same time, Bendodo emphasized that “the only singularity to which the Sánchez government responds is blackmail.” “In front of a unfair and unsupportive financing “What responds to the blackmail of the independence movement are the proposals of the PP: those which advocate solidarity and loyal collaboration between the autonomous communities,” he declared.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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