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HomeLatest NewsAndalusian Parliament reverses PSOE motion to control SAS contracts with PP votes

Andalusian Parliament reverses PSOE motion to control SAS contracts with PP votes

The plenary session of the Andalusian Parliament rejected this Wednesday, with the votes of the PP-A, a motion defended by the Socialist Group forto the alleged “corruption” that the formation denounces this happened within the framework of the health contract of the Junta de Andalucía chaired by Juanma Moreno.

The motion, relating to the general hiring policy of the SAS, was voted on in two blocks of points, although it was totally rejected with the absolute majority of the PP-A voting against, while He received support from the groups Por Andalucía and Adelante Andalucía, and partly from Vox.

Among other issues, the motion proposed to urge the Andalusian government to approve “the timely programming of contracts to be carried out during the 2025 financial year“by the Andalusian Health Service (SAS), “as published on the transparency portal of the Junta de Andalucía”.

Furthermore, the socialist motion proposed that Parliament urge the Governing Council “to dictate an instruction on the regulation of minor contracts in which, among other things, the principles of publicity and competition are guaranteed.

On the other hand, the PSOE-A wanted Parliament to urge the Council to “require the Andalusian Health Service to attach the corresponding certificate of positive receipt of the investment, duly subscribed”, as well as to “launch the services contracted urgently within a period not exceeding one month and to require the opening of an ordinary subscription procedure in the event of exceeding this stipulated period”.

Project owner’s report

Another proposal of the motion was that the Parliament urges the Andalusian Government to “issue an order to the Andalusian Health Service so that, in the treatment of any minor contractual file, the issuance of a report from the contracting body justifies it in a motivated manner the necessity”. ” of the contract, and that its purpose is not modified, in order to avoid the application of the thresholds described for this type of contract.”

Likewise, the socialist group wanted Parliament to invite the Governing Council to “issue an order to the Andalusian Health Service for full compliance with Instruction 1/2021 of the General Directorate of Markets in reference to the use of emergency contracts”, as well as so that “in each of the contracts processed” by the SAS “the person responsible for the contract and the organization which designates it.”

On the other hand, the PSOE-A wanted Parliament to urge the Andalusian government to “not extend contracts processed by the Andalusian Health Service through the negotiation procedure without advertising for the subscription of the complementary health service for surgical and diagnostic interventions for SAS users, with the aim of guaranteeing public attendance and reducing the cost of providing these services.

Finally, the socialist group wanted Parliament to urge the Governing Council to “proceed to start the the corresponding ex officio examination procedures of contractual practices nullity noted by the General Intervention during the financial control actions and, where applicable, demand the reimbursement amount.”

A “fraudulent” mode of operation, according to the PSOE

PSOE-A deputy Rafael Márquez intervened to defend the motion, saying that the Socialist Group’s “supervisory work” in the Council’s health procurement “focused” on the “post-Covid” phase, that’s to say. say, “from the moment everyone knew that the exception created in 2020 with the onset of the pandemic, it was no longer the same as in 2021 “nor the following years, and that “this type of emergency hiring was not justified in this new context”.

With this in mind, he justified this socialist movement with the objective of “stopping” what he defined as a fraudulent “modus operandi” for which the PSOE-A has already presented a complaint that the Court of Instruction number 13 of Seville accepted for processing, » as he recalled before regretting that the PP-A, with its absolute majority, prevented Parliament from creating a commission of inquiry into emergency contracts approved between the years 2020 and 2023, as requested by the socialist group.

The representative of the PSOE-A maintained that “we are facing a case of enormous seriousness”, of which “We only know a small part of it so farand “the extent and scale of the irregularities still remain to be known”, he insisted to emphasize that, “from the intervention reports” already known, “we can deduce that we are surely faced with the largest case of corruption in health care contracts that we have experienced in Spain.

Rafael Márquez concluded by emphasizing thatand “we are already clear that the entire contractual system of the Andalusian Health Service is defective” and “this escapes current legality”, in addition to the fact that “this aims to benefit from private health care to the detriment of the public health system”, and now “it is enough to know whether, taking into account the evidence”, of the PP-A government “will do something to correct this, even if it is already too late”, he warned in conclusion.

PP calls for reporting specific cases

In the positioning of the groups, the PP-A deputy Pablo Venzal responded to the PSOE-A that “there is no need” for its motion because “the vast majority of contracts have a prior inspection”, and emergency contracts carried out since 2022 “It was forbidden” to justify the pandemic, these are “the usual” and what the law “provides for”, as he emphasized.

That said, he urged socialists to say What “particular case do they denounce” in each case in terms of contracts, and accused them of engaging in “demagoguery” and filing “potential” complaints.

For her part, Vox parliamentarian Cristina Jiménez attributed the socialist initiative to the fact that “they receive direct instructions from Mr. Fangoneti”while emphasizing that “the Faffe, the ERE and their different parts are a cancer of corruption installed in the spine of socialist governments”, reason for which he deduced that “they lack legitimacy to demand good management and transparency”.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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