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HomeBreaking NewsLa Complutense informs Judge Peinado that Begoña Gómez earned €30,000 during the...

La Complutense informs Judge Peinado that Begoña Gómez earned €30,000 during the years she co-directed her master’s degree

The wife of Pedro Sánchez, Begoña Gomezcharged some 30,000 euros of the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM) for having co-directed his two master’s degrees.

This amount is the result of adding her fees as teacher, coordinator, TFM supervisor and other tasks related to the co-direction, on the one hand, of the Master in Public and Private Fundamental Management in Purpose Organizations non-profit and, on the other hand. the other, the Master in Competitive Social Transformation – SDG as a strategy.

As noted in a new volume of the summary of Begoña affairto which EL ESPAÑOL had access, the UCM reported these payments in September to judge Juan Carlos Peinado, who is investigating Gómez for the alleged crimes of influence peddling and corruption in companies.

In reality, there are more payments to Begoña, which total a figure that does not exceed 40,000 euros. But they are before she becomes co-director of the two masters.

More precisely, they date from 2014 to 2019, when Gómez was only a professor at UCM. It is for this reason that these preliminary payments all appear under the notion of “Theoretical Teaching”. But because Gómez co-directs both master’s degrees, he only received around 30,000 euros from the public university.

Tabla con los pagos a Begoña de la UCM.


Por ejemplo, como consta en el sumario, cobró 4.400 euros por la co-dirección del primero de sus másteres en el curso 2020-2021. Por el de Transformación Social Competitiva, cobró 4.352 euros en ese mismo periodo. A esas cantidades se suman otras, por conceptos como “Tutorías TFM”, “Tribunal TFM” o “Docencia”. Y así hasta 30.000 euros.

Gómez, no obstante, no cobró ni un solo euro por ser directora de las cátedras que cobijaban dichos másteres. Ella, de hecho, no es catedrática, sino experta en fundrasing (captación de fondos públicos y privados en favor de causas solidarias, de sostenibilidad…). De ahí que las cátedras sean de tipo extraordinario y requieran de un catedrático de la Complutense como su co-director.

Documentación con los pagos a Begoña de la UCM.


La UCM también trasladó al juez Peinado que “los motivos que sustentan la decisión [de contratar a la mujer de Sánchez] are based on the journey of Mrs. María Begoña Gómez Fernández, who totally agree with the theme of the Extraordinary Chair”, which is none other than the sector of Competitive Social Transformation.

This area, known as TSC, refers to the adaptation of companies and entities to the requirements of environmental sustainability, gender equality and other extremes included in the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals).

On the other hand, as Complutense reminded the judge, Gómez had already collaborated with the university since 2012, as co-director of studies for the Fundraising Technician diploma. Subsequently, he co-directed the first of the two masters. In 2020, it did the same with the newly created TSC.

Rated 5 out of 5

According to the documentation contained in the summary, the UCM informed the judge that Begoña Gómez “It was rated by its students with the highest rating (5 out of 5). in quality assessments carried out year after year.

However, as EL ESPAÑOL recently published, the Complutense suspended, within a period of only two months, the two master’s degrees. Through a publication on the social network LinkedIn, Pedro Sánchez’s wife criticized this decision by the University.

Like her, the rector of the UCM, Joaquin Goyacheis the subject of an investigation by Judge Peinado. He is accused of the same crimes as Gómez: influence peddling and corruption in private companies.

Joaquín Goyache, rector of UCM, and Begoña Gómez during an event.


On the other hand, as indicated in the documentation held by EL ESPAÑOL, the UCM asked the instructor to be able to provide in a “pseudo-anonymized” manner the data relating to the number of students holding both master’s degrees while Begoña Gómez co-directed them.

In mid-September, Peinado demanded to know how many students were enrolled, what they were paying and to whom. “The information requested judicially, by its nature and content, affects personal data of third parties, unrelated, as this representation believes, with the case before the Court,” responded, on September 24, the UCM to the judge.




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