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HomeBreaking News“Political change in Spain is inevitable”

“Political change in Spain is inevitable”

The president of the PP, Alberto Nuñez Feijóoasked the government’s partners to “review their position” in the face of cases of corruption that plague the president’s entourage and to be “consistent with their past decisions”, in reference to the motion of censure which expelled the Executive from his position. Mariano Rajoy in 2018. “The political change In Spain It’s inevitable right now.”

This is how the popular leader spoke after the meeting of the European People’s Party In Brusselsin which he explained, as explained during a press conference, investigations into the Koldo affair and will highlight the approach of the Venezuelan vice-president, Delcy Rodriguezfor Spain, in 2020, despite the sanctions of European Commission.

Although without naming any party, Feijóo’s call clearly refers to Together And PNVwith whose votes Feijóo could present a motion of censure, in addition to Vox, which has already shown itself willing to support this motion “whoever” is in the equation.

According to Feijóo, among his European colleagues there are “worry” for the judicial investigations that “target” Sánchez, his family, the government and his party. “It’s a absolute anomaly in the EU to have a Prime Minister with a judicial and personal situation like that of the Spanish Prime Minister, with “a wife accused of corruption, a brother accused of corruption and half of the government accused”, said Feijóo.

For this reason, according to the popular leader, “we are faced with a vital emergency from the institutional point of view” and given that the government is a minority, the “responsibility” also extends to Sánchez’s partners, both his partners in the Council of Ministers as well as their parliamentary partners. “It remains to be seen who remains on the side of the government, which confuses and confuses Spanish political life.”

Likewise, he also warned that the continuity of the Attorney General of the State, Álvaro García Ortiz, after the investigation opened by the Supreme Court, affects the rule of law, which is why he criticized the fact that the The executive of Pedro Sánchez has not promoted its cessation.

Motion of censure?

Although without saying the word motion of censureFeijóo encouraged Sánchez’s allies to “check your location” and that they are “consistent with their previous decisions” because “ultimately, changes in countries are sometimes inevitable and political change in Spain is inevitable at this time”. “It will last more or less and will depend on the president of the government, his government, the pace of investigations and the support of his partners.”

To move forward, in addition to the support of PP (137) and Voice (33) the motion must have the favorable vote of the deputy of UPN and, in addition, the participation of the PNV (5) or the Junts (7) would be necessary to achieve the objectives. absolute majority (176).

Sources of Voice They accept this possibility and affirm that they do not care what the other political forces vote for. Of course, on two conditions: the new government must immediately convene general elections and this motion should not have in return any commitment either assignment with the Basque or Catalan independence movement.




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