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HomeLatest NewsTudanca considers Mañueco "the same racist" as when he governed with Vox

Tudanca considers Mañueco “the same racist” as when he governed with Vox

The secretary general of the PSCL, Luis Tudanca, assured this Sunday that the president of the Council, Alfonso Fernández Mañueco, is the “same racist” as when he governed with the “extreme right” in the Community and before Vox gave him “pumpkins.” . “A statement that affirmed that the regional leader committed in 2022 to welcoming 200 unaccompanied minors from the Canary Islands but she did not do so and when the Canary Islands declared in recent weeks that Castilla y León had committed to increasing its solidarity quota, “she clearly denied it.”

In fact, Tudanca said that the Popular Party is still in the hands of Vox, a party that “begs” every day to return to government like “a prodigal son.” “But politics has not changed at all either, since this land is the most depopulated in Spain,” the socialist leader stressed in his speech at the Rose Festival, which took place in the Leonese city of Sahagún. There, he was accompanied by socialist MEP Iratxe García.

In this context, the Secretary General of the PSCL indicated that PP still needs immigration to progress and the growth of the Community and “openly racist statements and behaviors continue to be heard, not only from the former vice president of the region, Juan García-Gallardo.” In this sense, he assured that the “popular” mayor of Medina del Campo, when refugees were welcomed in his municipality, also launched “openly xenophobic statements.”

On this issue, the leader of the PSCyL recalled that he had proposed to the PP of Mañueco an agreement during the investiture to govern without “the extreme right and it rejected it.”

Likewise, Tudanca explained that during the debate on the State of the Community, he offered his help to guarantee the stability and progress of Castilla y León if he expelled Vox from the government and rejected it, reports Ep.

On the other hand, and regarding the possibility of calling the PSOE Federal Congress soon, the leader of the Castilian and Leonese socialists defended “the gap and the debate” in a “plural and diversified” party as, he assured, is his and for this reason he asked the PP “to abandon all hope of breaking the PSOE”. “Their role and their destiny will be decided by the militants and the Spaniards in the elections”, he considered.

Tudanca described it as “touching” that the popular formation tries to “destabilize” the socialists “by saying what we should think, vote and the general secretaries we should elect.” But he stressed that, in any case, his role as general secretary of the autonomous socialists is clear: “To defend the interests of Castilla y León against an autonomous federation whose only objective is to change the destiny of this land to have what it deserves.” concluded, reports Ical.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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