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Dog Finds Owner After Being Abandoned In Georgia And Traveling Alone On Bus For Weeks

A stray German terrier dog became famous in Georgia for his trips on public transport in Tbilisi, which helped him finally find permanent housing.

Mogzaura (Traveler), as Tbilisi residents called her, traveled around the Georgian capital by bus for two weeks before finding a master. Images of the sad-looking dog began to invade social media in the Caucasian country early October. In the photos and videos shared, the Traveler appeared sitting on a bus seats, looking out the window.

Images were also shared showing how He left one transport to continue his journey in another. “We saw her on David Agmashenebeli Avenue when she was getting on the bus”, “She got on the bus near the kindergarten on Beijing Avenue”, “She was in Tsjneti today (suburb of Tbilisi), taking a bus that goes to the center”, are some of the messages left by Georgian Internet users.

Residents of Tbilisi fed the dog, stroked it, but no one dared to take her homeuntil the program “Tatebis Imedi” (“Paws of Hope”) of the largest Georgian TV channel “Imedi” took action on this issue.

“Thanks to the volunteers and all the residents of Tbilisi, we were finally able to put a collar and leash on Mogzaura,” presenter Sofía Beroshvili, who owns five pets, told EFE. As the search for a home for the dog continued, Georgians were also trying to find its former owner. “Most likely, the previous owner abandoned the dog. and left the country. This happens often. But the faithful Mogzaura continued to look for him,” the presenter explained.

After spending a week with a student at the University of Tbilisi, A traveler found her permanent home on the outskirts of the capitalin the house of Gueorgui, member of a group of volunteers who take care of stray dogs.




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