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HomeBreaking News29 members of DDP and Trinitarios arrested involved in fights in Madrid:...

29 members of DDP and Trinitarios arrested involved in fights in Madrid: there are 22 minors

National Police officers arrested to 29 young people including 22 minorslinked to groups of violent young people organized between the months of August and October. All were involved in fights that occurred in different parts of the Community of Madrid where the majority of victims had to be assisted for the injuries sustained, as reported by the National Police in a press release.

Among those arrested, 14 were confirmed members of different organized groups of violent youth and the rest were linked to said groups. In addition, firearms and knives were seized, including four machetes.

Since last August, the Provincial Information Brigade has carried out numerous investigations which resulted in the arrest of important members of organized and violent youth groups.

In addition, local and district police stations have largely reachedThanks to the effort and coordination of the different police units, the arrest of 15 people involved in different events provoking, Most of them were seriously injured and required medical assistance to treat their injuries.

An event to highlight is the fight that occurred on June 17 in the district of City linearwhere a member of the Trinitarios was seriously injured with a knife that the attacker was carrying hidden in a shoe.

Following the investigation carried out, on September 25, a man was arrested as the alleged perpetrator of an offense of attempted homicide, an offense against road safety and membership in a criminal organization then subject to a judicial decision.

Among the most important clarified events was the attack that occurred on August 4, around 10 p.m., when a group of young people suddenly attacked a man with knives, causing him serious injuries. The victim had a deep cut in the dorsal area with possible damage to the lung, a cut to the chest and another to the left arm with a bone fracture, which caused his semi-amputation.

The rapid intervention of the police resulted in the arrest of four men, three adults and a minor, presumed responsible for a crime of homicide and the recovery of a machete with traces of blood.

On August 27, four men were arrested, including an adult, for having attacked a minor with a machete in the Usera district occurred on August 9. The victim required medical attention for a cut to his arm. The detainees were charged with the crime of injury and membership in a criminal organization.

Another knife attack took place on August 25 where a group of individuals attacked a young man who suffered the semi-amputation of a finger of the hand, in addition to other injuries. Investigators were able to identify the alleged perpetrators, arresting two men linked to the Trinitarios on September 11, one a minor and the other an adult, as suspected of being responsible for the crimes of injury and belonging to a criminal organization.

Another important event occurred on September 18, when four hooded men fired several shots at a group of people who were on the benches of the Plaza de la Arbolada. in the Madrid district from Carabanchel. Following this attack, four members of the DDP were injured by firearms and a fifth by stab wounds with cuts to one arm and the back.

Four men were arrested over the incident. members of the Trinitariansas alleged perpetrators of the crimes of attempted homicide and membership in a criminal organization.

Furthermore, on October 8, agents of the Mobile Brigade alerted of the presence of several individuals in the Usera c neighborhoodWith the appearance of groups of organized violent young people leaving a suburban train station.

Thanks to the rapid intervention of the citizen security police who immediately went to the scene, a group of 14 individuals attacking each other with glass bottles. Finally, they were arrested and placed at the disposal of the judicial authorities as presumed responsible for the offense of rioting.




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