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The seven-year-old girl hit by a motorcyclist in Vallauris succumbed to her injuries

Kamilya, a seven-year-old girl who was run over on Thursday at a pedestrian crossing in Vallauris, in the Alpes-Maritimes, by a motorcyclist who was riding backwards, died on Sunday 1 September.

“This afternoon there was a spontaneous meeting in Vallauris during which the father announced the death”“Nabil Boudi, a lawyer for the grieving family, told Agence France-Presse (AFP).

In the Facebook group “Mutual aid and solidarity in Vallauris/Golfe Juan” where since Thursday hundreds of comments have multiplied, some to denounce the lack of security measures on the avenue where the accident occurred, others to support the family, dozens of Internet users expressed their “infinite sadness”.

On Friday, the boy’s father announced in the same group that doctors had warned them that there was no “no more hope”.

On Saturday afternoon, the motorcyclist, who was not known to police or the courts and whose alcohol and drug tests came back negative, was charged with “Unintentional injuries resulting in total incapacity for work for more than three months through a clearly deliberate violation of a particular obligation of safety or prudence by the driver of a land motor vehicle.”For the family lawyer, the facts should be reclassified as “manslaughter”.

The motorcyclist was placed under judicial supervision by a judge of freedoms and detention and must “Present yourself once every two weeks at the Antibes police station”Don’t go to Vallauris or ” get in touch “ with the victim’s family. He also had to surrender his driving licence to the court clerk’s office and is prohibited from leaving the Alpes-Maritimes department.

Read the analysis | Article reserved for our subscribers. Road safety: the creation of the crime of “road homicide” discussed in the National Assembly

Judicial review challenged

The public prosecutor’s office in Grasse (Alpes-Maritimes), who wanted him to be kept in preventive detention during the investigation, as well as the investigating judge who charged him, appealed this decision. This appeal will be considered “as soon as possible” by the investigating chamber of the Aix-en-Provence Court of Appeal, the latter announced to AFP.

“The family is shocked” that the driver was not placed in preventive detention, explained to AFP Me Nabil Boudi, who, for his part, did not “I cannot comment on a court decision”.

The girl, who was crossing a pedestrian crossing with her 11-year-old brother, was run over at around 7 p.m. by a motorcyclist who was approaching a queue of cars, according to a police source.

According to Kevin Luciano, several right-wing mayors of this town of 30,000 inhabitants, the departmental road where the accident occurred is not “It is not particularly accident-prone, but it is very busy with 3,000 vehicles a day.”.

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A petition that demands “security measures” The petition was signed by around 2,800 people on Sunday afternoon. The mayor believes it is very difficult or even impossible to install speed bumps due to the steep slope.

For its part, the Departmental Council assured on Friday that it will be carried out “Ready to advise and work closely with the municipality to improve the safety of local residents,” while emphasizing that“No development can solve the irresponsible individual behaviour that leads to such tragedies”.

In 2023, 49 children between the ages of 0 and 13 died on the roads of mainland France, according to the National Interministerial Observatory on Road Safety.

Read also | Article reserved for our subscribers. Road safety: the number of road deaths is increasing

The world with AFP


Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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