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The government shows its hard line in Menton

Michel Barnier signals Bruno Retailleau to come closer. From the Saint-Ludovic border post, in Menton (Alpes-Maritimes), by defining the main axes of his migration policy, on Friday, October 18, the Prime Minister wants to demonstrate that there is not the space between them of a sheet of paper smoke. and his Minister of the Interior. It does not matter that the tenant of Place Beauvau surprises public opinion with his thunderous statements questioning the rule of law or stating that immigration is not “no chance” for the country. In the end, it is “the prime minister who decides”we explained to Matignon. But if the latter is emphatic in his comments, he hardly shows any substantial disagreements with his minister, who is always smiling at his side.

“The French expect an effective policy to control immigration,” explains Michel Barnier, who confirms that a new “immigration” law will see the light of day in 2025. The text makes the Macronists, allies of the government coalition, break out in a cold sweat. The previous law, approved in December 2023 with the votes of the National Rally (RN), which included a series of unconstitutional measures, almost caused the presidential side to implode. However, it would be necessary complete “warns the Prime Minister.

Until now, the government had only mentioned its desire to legislate to extend the maximum detention period to 210 days (up from the current 90). Will it also involve integrating the measures introduced by the right into the 2023 law, before being censured by the Constitutional Council for being considered legislative clauses (that is, unrelated to the subject of the original text)? Bruno Retailleau has repeated on several occasions that he wants to reintroduce, in particular, the penalization of irregular stay, the establishment of a three-year residence period to access social benefits or even the tightening of the criteria for student and family migration . . “There may be other measures”For his part, the Prime Minister slides in, refusing to risk confirming the intentions of the tenant of Place Beauvau, although without completely rejecting them. HE “key theme” of this law will be “prepare the entry into force of the European Pact on Asylum, Immigration”scheduled for 2026 and which he wants to accelerate, he says, asking everyone to keep their ” calm “.

Read also | Article reserved for our subscribers. Immigration: a new text announced for 2025, less than a year after the promulgation of the Darmanin law

MM. Barnier and Retailleau are “in phase”Beauvau emphasizes. they are “fittings”Matignon confirms. The two Republicans also know that they benefit from an alignment of the positions of the majority of Member States in favor of a tightening of community policy. At the end of the European Council of October 17 and 18 in Brussels, the Twenty-Seven demanded “urgently” to “new legislative proposal” For “increase and accelerate” expulsions. This is the revision of the 2008 European directive, known as “Return”, which establishes the regulatory framework for the expulsion of foreigners in an irregular situation. “There is a consciousnessMr. Barnier of Menton is pleased. All countries face this issue and address it together with a new mentality that leaves aside controversies and ideologies. I hope that this European mood can infect us. »

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Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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