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HomeBreaking News“Every time we succeed, Negreira comes out. They want to destroy us”

“Every time we succeed, Negreira comes out. They want to destroy us”

Joan Laporta He stood up to the members this Saturday, although with them connected via telematics. This is what became Ordinary General Meeting of the FC Barcelonaa quote the president has once again used to bare his chest and ignore what a growing opposition is saying; and of course, referring to “the cave”

“We did not pay attention to the catastrophic proclamations of some who are neither there nor expected. The path is not over, but it is true that we are better from an economic and sporting point of view than in 2021 . The club It does not work by inertia It works because there are people who work hard and well,” Laporta opened to the Assembly.

In his speech, Laporta repeatedly affirmed that Barça was once again a reference: “We are once again admired for the way we do things,” he said among other courageous statements. He tiptoed through the case of Vision of Barça and the only point of self-criticism lay in his sporting assessment of last season: “Absolute respect for Xavier who did an excellent job, but we believed that we needed to give this new impetus.

“We believe that with the La Masia players who are part of the first team, those who accumulate talent and experience and with the help of browse successes will come. We are very happy with the team we have and what La Masia represents in the first team. Also with Flick and with decoration. He reduced the sport’s payroll and had the ability to improve the team and rejuvenate it. It strengthens our present and our future,” he said of the sporting present.

He emphasized several times during his intervention on the good work of Deco as sports director: “The reduction of the sports payroll allows us to have a better salary/income ratio. When we arrived, the ratio was at 98% It was not viable. Also because our coaches opted for local players. Danny Elm And Paul Winner. It cost us 47 million. Thanks to Deco’s good work, we sold players with a net worth of 80 million. There was no exchange to balance the account. It was about sports sales. In addition to being a buying club, we have started to sell players well. Many were players trained at La Masia. There was one who took advantage of a low clause and we couldn’t do anything. “The rest were good operations.”

“We are cleaning up the economy as quickly as possible,” he also said before the presentation of the data. “The club will always be owned by its members. We have said it front and back. Barcelona fans know that clearly. As long as we run the club, the club will belong to its members. We are cleaning up the economy without members do not scratch your pockets The 2023/24 season leaves a positive balance of 12 million euros We have healed the wound that has been bleeding since 2017. What the club earns and spends is positive for the first time since 2017. Income eventually increased.” , he said.

He spoke about the levers: “We were courageous and gave the club strength to make the urgent commitments that there were.” “Barça Vision is maturing more slowly. It hasn’t worked as well as we would like. It’s not all down to bad operations, it hasn’t worked well. We have the Aramark investment, more investors wanting to come in and we have a plan that supports that profit plan. That said, we closed with positive figures, we presented a budget which continues on this path with a positive result and on the eve of the 125th anniversary,” he added.

‘Cagainst everything and everyone

Laporta also assured once again that the work of the Camp Nou They will be finished in 2026 and say the club is back.”to the world’s first line without losing the essence of a Catalan club open to the world.

He only sent optimistic messages as if Barça’s gift was a dream: “This team is exciting. La Masia is the center of this team. We are proud of the joys of hockey, handball, women’s football, basketball… We won on the most difficult field in Europe. They ask us for academies all over the world and we explain the Barça model to them. We are once again admired for the way we do things. You have to live everything with your head held high. Continuing in this reality is not inertia. You have to work on it and maintain it. The best way is for us to stay closer than ever. It’s fundamental.”

“We are fighting against everything and everyone,” he said as an introduction to his most bellicose moment. “It is not victimization. We are fighting against those who repeatedly appeal the Negreira case which we win in court. Now that they are judging us, the instructions are not favorable. Every time we let’s do well, it came out. There are people who don’t want us to win, they are angry because we are winning. To defend ourselves, we cannot show our weaknesses. We must fight against these elements hence. they come. what they are looking for because we have won.

“Maintaining this stability is very important. It gives us the strength to face the challenges we face. It is important that the budget is approved to give strength to the institution. I invite you to experience the current Barça with pride and joy, if there is stability, Barcelona will continue to be the best club in the world,” he concluded.




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