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break with Israel and drop in rents

The secretary general of Podemos, Ione Belarra, warned the government that to obtain the support of Congress it will have to undertake the breakdown of relations with Israel And lower the price of rents by law.

Meanwhile, MEP and party number two, Irene Montero, claimed that Podemos was the “pressure and noise” for the PSOE to assume transformations, criticism that the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, and his “allies”, in what seems to be an allusion to Sumar, have managed to distance from the Executive that the “putschist and reactionary right” runs the country, undemocratic. This is how both transferred it to the central event of ‘Autumn University’, one of the great ideological training forums, organized at the Círculo de Bellas Artes in Madrid.

During his speech, Belarra explained that the demonstrations in favor of the right to housing marked a “before and after” and that the “genocide” in Gaza requires action to “stop the feet” of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

“People can’t take it anymore”

And with the framework of future negotiations on general budgets in the background, Podemos said “enough is enough” and made it “very clear” to the executive that “if they want the support of Podemos, they will have to break relations commercial”. with Israel and a reduction in rents by law. “People can’t take it anymore” riveted

In this way, Belarra maintains the critical line towards the government that has intensified with the new political course and raises the demands for Podemos to support the initiatives of the Executive. In fact, during this week they pointed out that They are not considered parliamentary partners of the Executive and that their votes in Congress are essential, like those of Junts.

The purple deputy of the Mixed Group in Congress accused the PP and the PSOE, which has been described for decades as “lackeys” of speculators, which prevented people from accessing their homes. “We must remove houses from commerce, from the market, and guarantee housing as a human right,” he demanded.

At the same time, he criticized the fact that the right only accepts democracy when it wins and even has aa putschist attitude through “reactionary dresses”. And faced with this drift, he declared that social democracy had become more of a problem than a solution. Regarding the situation in Gaza, Belarra denounced the fact that images were seen of how the Israeli army burned people “alive” and asked what difference there was between this behavior and the “gas chambers” of the Nazism.

Relations with Israel

For her part, Irene Montero focused her speech on the attack on bipartisanship, given that the PSOE and the PP try to show that they are very different but both tell Israel that it is a “Friendly State”. “Both support Europe’s complicity with the genocidaires, with the criminals. Spain is today led by Sánchez, with the PSOE in Moncloa, a transit country for weapons Israel uses to murder Palestinian children“, he added.

Then, Montero refuted the image that Sánchez is the European leader who does the most for the Palestinians when, while the government maintains relations with Israel, he tells the “genocidaires” that he will put on the labels of products imported from the illegally occupied Palestinian territories. A mention with which he slipped an implicit reproach to one of the measures promoted by the Minister of Social Rights, Pablo Bustinduy, in the area of ​​consumption. Also said bipartisanship is associated with corruption and in reference to the “Koldo case”, he retorted that while Podemos was fighting to include a ceiling on rent prices in the social shield, the members of the PSOE were putting their hands in the box.”

Furthermore, he criticized the PSOE for “not daring to tell the ‘truth’ in light of the decision of the Second Criminal Chamber of the Supreme Court to indict for the first time the Attorney General of the State, Álvaro García Ortiz, and who, according to him, is the one that the reactionary sectors of the judicial system have been carrying out attacks on democracy for some time now. And at its head he has placed the magistrate of the Supreme Court. Manuel Marchenawhom he accuses of saying goodbye by giving a new “blow” to democracy and of doing “politics” more than “any member of the judiciary”.

In this event, the purples showed off international alliances with the intervention of European MP for Insoumise FranceRima Hassan, British MP and former party leader Labor PartyJeremy Corbyn, and the MEP of Left bloc of Portugal, Catarina Martins. It is precisely Podemos, Francia Insumisa and the Bloco who formed, with four other left-wing groups, a new European party, called the Alliance of the European Left for the People. An alternative formation to the Party of the European Left, which includes IU, the German Die Linke and Syriza.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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