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HomeBreaking NewsSánchez falls to his lowest approval rating and is the worst-rated leader...

Sánchez falls to his lowest approval rating and is the worst-rated leader among his voters

The Catalan agreement with ERC, the immigration crisis, the corruption scandals and the judicial investigation against his wife Pedro Sánchez. The president of the government, according to the latest survey carried out by SocioMétrica for EL ESPAÑOL, receives his lowest level of support (27.9%) since the beginning of the count in January 2020.

Then, the popularity levels of the secretary general of the PSOE were around 33.5%, since the formation of the coalition government with Unidas Podemos and Pablo Iglesias vice-president. Since then, it has only fallen below 30% once: during the Turn left in summer 2022. This is the second one.

Furthermore, Sánchez is by far the political leader most appreciated by his own voters. With a rating of one 6.5 On his team’s side, he is the only one who does not reach the grade 7. In fact, the other four – Alberto Núñez Feijóo, Yolanda Díaz, Santiago Abascal and Alvise Pérez – all have a grade higher than 8.

The socialists’ distrust of Pedro Sánchez was felt in the second part of this barometer, in which the doubts of socialist voters about the latest moves of their general secretary and his entourage were already evident. Without going any further, 39% of PSOE voters believe that their autonomous community will lose resources if the single financing of Catalonia which Sanchez approves of.

However, despite all the above, it is surprising that the leader of the socialists continues to surpass Feijóo both in the general preferences for the presidency (23.5% against 19.9%), which include the rest of the candidates; as in the face to face (38.7% versus 32.3%), where they constitute the only two options.

Even in the worst moments of his term, Sánchez always prevailed over Feijóo in the historical series when the question “Who do you prefer?” if the elections were limited to the two of them. Mainly because Vox voters are more reluctant to support the PP leader than Sumar voters are to serve as a crutch for the PSOE.

In the entire historical series, Feijóo only won “head to head” once, in the April-May period, coinciding with the championship’s wear and tear. case KoldoTHE five days reflection and the accusation of Sanchez’s wife, Begoña Gomez. In June, and after the success of the Catalan elections, the president of the government took over the direction of the series.

choose-between-sanchez-feijo (1)

THE Sanchez’s popularity He set ceilings twice: in the first summer of the coronavirus pandemic and after the general elections of 23-J. Specifically, last November, when he was re-elected by the Cortes for a new term, it was again around 40%. Since then, it has continued to fall to the current rate of 27.9%.

Feijóo, for his part, has similar indices to those of his rival: he receives 27.5% of support. Slightly lower, the majority of respondents believe that he could not beat Sánchez in the elections. Of course, she is rated higher by the Spanish in general (3.6), tied with Yolanda Díaz in first place.

The second vice-president has continued to accumulate electoral defeats since she split from Podemos last December, but she remains the highest rated party leader by the Spanish (28.1% of the so-called “leadership”), followed closely by Sánchez (27.9%) and Feijóo (28.1%).

These data must, however, be taken with certain nuances, given that all national leaders Their popularity has dropped considerably since the beginning of the year. Díaz went from 40% to less than 30%, as did Sánchez; Feijóo went over 35% and now he doesn’t even reach 28%; and Abascal went from 27% to his current level of 19.3%. Alvise Pérez’s ratings, meanwhile, only existed a month ago, and they have nevertheless declined.


Technical sheet

The study was carried out by the company SocioMétrica between August 26 and 31, 2024 through 2,310 random interviews taken from its own panel of n=10,000 individuals representative of all Spanish sociodemographic segments.

The final results were finely adjusted using a weighting variable that takes into account gender, age, province and electoral memory during the last three elections.

Maximum error: 3% (the average sociometric deviation of the vote in generation 23 was 1.1% and in the EU24 was 0.8%). No confidence level is applicable because this is a non-probability sampling.

Study Director: Gonzalo Adán. PhD in Political Psychology and Professor of Psychometrics and Social Research Techniques. SocioMétrica is a member of Insights + Analytics Spain.




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