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The finance committee rejects the “revenue” part of the bill reworked by the left.

Four days of debate, almost two hundred amendments adopted… but no new text. Deputies rejected, on Saturday, October 19, in the Finance Commission, the “revenue” part of the 2025 budget, after having largely modified it with respect to the government’s copy, which found itself against the wall before the debate in the chamber, on Monday. .

Matignon wants to make a 60 billion euro effort to put an end to the growing public deficit: 40 billion in savings and 20 billion in additional tax revenue. But passed through the committee, the bill presented last week had become unrecognizable: key articles removed, amendments worth several billion euros adopted, new taxes or exemptions galore…

These modifications, which considerably altered the financial balance of the text, were finally swept away by a final negative vote, by 29 votes to 22, with the National Group (RN) finding itself with the right and the center in the rejection camp.

Read also | Live, budget for 2025: parliamentarians reject in committee the “revenue” part, which has been significantly revised

Michel Barnier denounces a text that has become “unsustainable”

However, the RN wanted to sanction “the attitude of the government and the majority parties that (…) “I don’t want to negotiate anything.”explained Jean-Philippe Tanguy, deputy for the Somme and “Mister Economy” of the RN. So, even if it means finding yourself on the same side as Macronist David Amiel, who criticized a “fiscal carnage” of the order of 50 billion euros.

“The text had become unsustainable”lamented the Prime Minister, Michel Barnier, in an interview with sunday newspaper (JDD), warning against a “Lépine’s tax competition”.

Insubordinate France (LFI), in particular, welcomed, in recent days, the “victories” in it “super profits” and multinationals, for dizzying amounts. “It is proof that there was a majority” for this budget “PFN compatible”estimates the president of the finance committee, Eric Coquerel (LFI), who, despite the final rejection, considers that “the mission is accomplished”.

Read also | Article reserved for our subscribers. Budget 2025: finance committee proposes revised version on revenue

Opinion evidently opposite to that of the Minister of Public Accounts, Laurent Saint-Martin, who was quick to denounce a “fiscal coups” immediately “unacceptable” AND “irresponsible”when the executive wants “Soundly curb our public spending”. His partner, the Minister of Economy, Antoine Armand, denounced on the social network “alliances of circumstances [qui] has led to the adoption of dozens of amendments to tax the French more and more, to the detriment of the savings of the middle classes, of professional mobility, of the transfer of our companies and our SMEs… In short, of our everyday life. »

A relative majority that is missing

Therefore, the debate in the chamber will resume based on the Government’s initial text. Mr. Saint-Martin will be present there starting Monday evening to defend this project that “said[t] shared by the majority base of the National Assembly”.

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However, the relative majority was lacking in the commission. From the beginning he could not prevent the vote in favor of a permanent tax on high incomes, which the Government only wanted ” temporary “. Nor could it stop a tightening of measures on share buybacks, the research tax credit or the maritime carrier CMA-CGM.

The government side has sometimes even sought support from the opposition, such as the MoDem to increase the “flat tax” on capital income, or the Republicans to reestablish an “exit tax” against fiscal exile as dissuasive as when it was created under Nicholas. Sarkozy.

Read also | Article reserved for our subscribers. Budget 2025: the RN converts to the “single tax” after denouncing it

Worse still, the right and the center have openly obstructed certain flagship measures such as tax increases on electricity, gas boilers and thermal vehicles. A confusion that worried even the registered nurse. “I don’t see any coordination between the different parties that support Mr. Barnier”commented Mr. Tanguy during the discussion, regretting not knowing “Where is this finance bill going?”.

The shadow of 49.3

Is the government itself sure of this? Before the commission, Bercy’s ministers had promised to complete their text with amendments, including an increase in the tax on airline tickets and an extension of interest-free loans in the real estate sector. But taking into account the number and magnitude of the modifications voted since Wednesday, the question of a forced passage to the chamber with weapon 49.3 could soon arise, to avoid a new series of disappointments.

Mr. Barnier explained to JDD that he wanted the parliamentary debate to take place, but did not rule out adoption via 49.3, because “Delaying the adoption of the budget could paralyze public action, compromise the management of state finances and endanger France’s financial credibility”.

A logical result that seems to Mr. Coquerel, convinced that the government “He does not want to be in the minority in his budget and show a completely fractured majority”. To better push the executive to the limit and present a motion of censure, the “rebels” seem to rule out a motion of rejection that “I would avoid the debate”.

On the other hand, the Macronists are willing to “fight against everything that threatens the jobs and purchasing power of the French”warns Mr. Amiel. On the government side, “We are preparing to sit day and night, as long as necessary.”assures a ministerial source.

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Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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