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If you see this, you may have a serious illness

Waking up to sheets and pillows drenched in sweat can be normal on hot summer nights. However, if night sweats persist during the fall, when temperatures are cooler, it is advisable to consult a doctor. He United Kingdom National Health Service warns you that if you feel frequent and excessive night sweatsit is important to consult a doctor. These episodes may indicate that something more serious is happening in the body.

According to Cancer research in the UKintense night sweats are considered a possible symptom of canceralthough this does not necessarily imply that a person suffers from it. Various causes can contribute to this phenomenon, such as infections, side effects of medications or hormonal changes during menopause in women. Additionally, it is recommended to consult a doctor if you experience very intense night sweats or unexplained fever. Identifying the root of the problem is crucial to determining the appropriate treatment and ruling out serious health problems.

Causes of night sweats

Hormonal changes are one of the main causes of night sweats, especially in pregnant women. menopausewhen estrogen levels fluctuate and cause hot flashes. These episodes tend to be more frequent at night, causing wet sheets and disrupting sleep. Teenagers may also experience this symptom during puberty, as well as men with hormonal imbalances, such as decreased testosterone levels. Although night sweats related to hormonal changes don’t always indicate a serious problem, they can be uncomfortable.

THE side effects of certain medications They can cause night sweats. Medications such as antidepressants, blood pressure medications, and pain relievers can affect body temperature regulation, causing excessive sweating at night. Additionally, hormonal medications, such as those used in prostate cancer treatments or in birth control, may also contribute to this problem. It is essential to read the package inserts and consult a doctor if a medication is suspected of causing night sweats, as it may be necessary to adjust the dosage or switch to another medication.

He stress and the anxiety They can contribute to the appearance of night sweats. In this case, the body may activate the “fight or flight” response, which increases adrenaline and heart rate, causing excessive sweating even during sleep. Anxiety disorders such as generalized anxiety disorder or post-traumatic stress disorder can make this symptom worse. Stress management techniques, such as meditation, deep breathing and regular exercise, can help reduce anxiety and, in turn, night sweats.

On the other hand, night sweats can indicate various underlying diseasessuch as hyperthyroidism, lymphoma and diabetes. Hyperthyroidism, for example, increases the production of thyroid hormones, speeding up metabolism and causing night sweats. Likewise, metabolic disorders like type 2 diabetes impair body temperature regulation. If night sweats are accompanied by other symptoms, such as unexplained weight loss, extreme fatigue or changes in appetite, it is essential to consult a doctor.


Night sweats can be a symptom of several types of cancerincluding lymphoma, leukemia and certain solid tumors. In the case of lymphomas, which affect the lymphatic system, one of the most common symptoms is night sweats, especially in Hodgkin’s lymphoma. These sweats are usually intense and may be accompanied by fever and unexplained weight loss, attributed to the release of cytokines and other chemicals in response to the presence of cancer.

On the other hand, the leukemiawhich affects the blood and bone marrow, can also cause night sweats due to changes in the immune system and the production of abnormal blood cells. People with leukemia often report night sweats accompanied by fever, fatigue, and unexplained bruising, highlighting the need to see a doctor for a thorough evaluation.

Furthermore, the solid tumorssuch as those present in the liver, lungs or pancreas, can release chemicals that alter temperature regulation and therefore cause excessive sweating. Cancer patients who experience night sweats may also notice other symptoms, such as pain, weight loss, and changes in appetite, indicating that the cancer may be affecting their overall health.

In this context, the relationship between night sweats and cancer highlights the importance of early detection and the need to seek appropriate medical attention at the slightest symptom or warning sign. If a person experiences persistent night sweats, easily visible on the sheets, especially if accompanied by other unusual symptoms, it is essential to seek medical attention as soon as possible, as early diagnosis can make a big difference in health of the person. treatment and prognosis of various forms of cancer.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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