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HomeLatest NewsNew SEPE aid confirmed for those not entitled to unemployment benefits

New SEPE aid confirmed for those not entitled to unemployment benefits

He State Public Employment Service It provides a large number of benefits to the unemployed and also guarantees the economic security of people who are not entitled to unemployment benefit, either because they have finished their contributory unemployment benefit or because they have not paid enough contributions. The subsidy for insufficient contributions is therefore the aid of the SEPE for people who are not entitled to unemployment benefit.

On November 1, a new period of unemployment benefits will begin after the Government approved last May on Royal Decree Law 2/2024 with the aim of carrying out “a simplification and improvement of the level of assistance in the field of unemployment protection”. For this reason, a series of subsidies will disappear and will be integrated into others within a few months. One thing must be clear: none of the groups that until now benefited from the aid of the SEPE you will lose it. They only change their name.

One of the aids that will continue to keep its name from 1 November is the contribution shortfall subsidy, intended for people who have exhausted their unemployment benefits or who are not entitled to contributory unemployment benefits because they have not contributed for 360 days during the period. Social securitywhich is equivalent to one year of work. Thus, in order to protect the greatest number, those who have not worked enough will also be entitled to remuneration.

A person enters a SEPE office. (EP)

SEPE assistance for those who are not entitled to unemployment benefit

In order to be eligible for the underpayment grant, certain conditions must be met, including the following:

  • Being unemployed and legally unemployed.
  • Be registered as a job seeker and maintain this registration.
  • Have contributed to unemployment benefits for at least 3 months if you have family responsibilities, or at least 6 months if you do not, and not reach 360 days.
  • Not to receive income of any kind greater than 75% of the minimum interprofessional wage, not including the proportional share of two extraordinary payments.

Regarding the duration and the amount, there are also certain conditions since everything depends on the months contributed by the worker and the situation of family responsibilities. The amount to be received over the months can even be 10,080 eurosdivided into 480 euros per month, or 80% of the IPREM.

The subsidy for insufficient contributions will have a duration that will depend on family conditions. If you have responsibilities, the aid will last 3, 4 or 5 months, if you have contributed 3, 4 or 5 months. On the other hand, it will have a duration of 21 months if you have contributed for 6 months or more (in this case, the right will be recognized for six months, and may be extended for periods of 6 months until its definitive duration).

If you do not have family responsibilities, the allowance will last for 6 months, if you have contributed for 6 months or more, as indicated by Social Security through its official channels.

How to ask for help from SEPE

To apply for the subsidy for insufficient contributions, it is essential to apply “within 15 working days, starting from the day after the legal unemployment situation”. Taking this into account, people who find themselves in this situation can contact the SEPE through its electronic headquarters, which you can enter with the digital certificate, or at any SEPE headquarters. State Public Employment Serviceprior reservation by phone or via a website. The way to request this assistance and present the necessary documents is as follows:

  • The electronic headquarters of the State Public Employment Service (SEPE).
  • At the benefits office (by appointment at the SEPE electronic headquarters or by telephone).
  • At any public records office.
  • By administrative mail.

This help from SEPE which will remain in force with the entry into force of the new package of measures on November 1, aims to ensure that people who have not contributed enough cannot remain close to the situation of vulnerability and to encourage them to find work as quickly as possible.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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