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Brad Pitt and George Clooney, two little bastards with more testosterone than grace in ‘Wolfs’

The expression “lone wolf” already has something rancid, a smell of camphor. Who would use this term to define a person? Well, probably Brad Pitt and George Clooney, who named the action film directed by Jon Watts – responsible for the trilogy of Spiderman with Tom Holland – which they presented at the Venice Film Festival. A film that brings them together again in front of the screen after the saga of The ocean And Burn after reading, by the Coen brothers and which, precisely, was also presented at the Mostra.

It’s true that the film tries to take a step back and wants to play with the two actors laughing at themselves, especially at their age, but we still have the feeling that deep down, they are that kind of person. The story of two experts in settling shady deals charged with the same task (making the body of a young man who died during a sexual relationship with an important lawyer disappear) serves to show their charisma and how preserved they are among over 60s. But a little more.

It’s obvious they had a good time filming it, but beyond the jokes about how exhausted they are, there’s not much else under the luxury packaging. Especially because almost everything has that bland touch. There are jokes about whether one has had sex with a woman and the other hasn’t; and deep down it all reeks of testosterone, like a movie from another decade even though Jon Watts dresses it up like a modern action thriller. Those jokes, those jokes and that bantered rascality that appears here without ever specifying whether he’s laughing at it or with it.

This could have been the starting point for a film that mocks precisely that masculinity of which both were prototypes, but which does not dare or does not want to. It prefers to show its paw and ends up perpetuating the same stereotype. In fact, the one who laughs the most in the film is the young man who ends up clinging to the duo and who becomes the real scene stealer. He is gentle, he is not graceful and he is verbose – because they, like good men, are economical with their words and do not express their feelings. The film treats this character with paternalism and condescension instead of opposing the two ways of being a man today.

Perhaps too much was asked of a film that, on the other hand, is very clear that it is nothing more than mere entertainment and highlights its two stars. What it should have had, even if its sequel has already been announced, is a closure that does not make viewers feel a little cheated after watching two hours of a film whose ending is linked to a future adventure of these two lone wolves.

It is also true that the majority will discover it on Apple TV +, since what was supposed to be a full-fledged premiere has become a live on the platform in most countries, including Spain, where it will arrive on September 27. In the United States, it will have a week in limited theaters beforehand. A decision that was one of the hottest topics of the film’s press conference at the Venice Film Festival, one of the most anticipated. Clooney first approached the issue with humor when asked how a film with two stars like them could be released without a presence in theaters. “We are in decline,” he said, making everyone laugh.

He then responded and admitted that he would have liked a larger theatrical release, and he believes that this also benefits films that arrive later on platforms, but he also knows that this “revolutionary” situation has been very beneficial for performers. “We need streaming. We need Apple, we need Amazon, and they need distributors too. We have to find a way to reconcile all of this. Above all, I am excited for young actors, because there are now many more jobs,” he said.

Brad Pitt spoke similarly, believing that “there’s always something romantic about the theatrical experience,” but knowing that “the existence of platforms has brought more stories and talent.” It was one of the few times Pitt got his hands dirty, because when political issues came up, he let Clooney take the lead. The actor and director was asked explicitly if he thought his column in the New York Times influenced Biden’s decision to step down.

Clooney demonstrated his skills in these situations: “Who deserves applause is the president who committed the most selfless act since the time of George Washington. It’s very difficult to leave power, we’ve seen it all over the world, for someone to recognize that there is a better option, that’s what counts and the rest will not be remembered. All the credit goes to you. “I’m very proud of where we are now and we’re all very excited about the future.”

Both also weighed in on the power of film to change things in the face of a rising right-wing extremism. Pitt believes that “that’s the power of storytelling,” and that’s why he’s dedicated himself to film, to “confront what’s happening to us as a society and see where we want to go.” Clooney echoed the testimony to clarify that “films are not news”: “It takes a few years to make a film. ‘All the President’s Men’ came out two years after Watergate. Films reflect, look back, and give us perspective on the issue. Going slower is sometimes the best way to know where we all end up. It’s easier to look back with films.”


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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