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HomeLatest NewsFines of 60,000 euros for what you do with your loved ones

Fines of 60,000 euros for what you do with your loved ones

In recent days, the debate has been on the table on the possible fines to which Spaniards who wish to spread the ashes of their loved ones are exposed in public spaces. Depending on the autonomous community in which this rite of worship is celebrated for the deceased person, sanctions may be imposed of up to 60,000 euros in the event that this action represents a danger to public health or violates the environmental regulations of each territory. We therefore list below the fines to which you are exposed if you pay respects to your loved ones in a public place.

This discussion arose after the death on October 13 Mayra Gomez Kempthe popular actress, singer and television presenter who, for years, infiltrated the homes of millions of Spaniards thanks to her good performance in the One two three…the legendary TVE program. One of her last wishes before dying was that her ashes be scattered alongside those of her husband in Madrid.

“On the day I die, I don’t want a mass funeral or to be buried in a grave. “My wish is that they cremate me and scatter my ashes in the same place where those of my husband Alberto rested,” I clearly indicated at the time. Mayra Gomez Kemp during an interview and after his death last Monday, one of the places indicated as the place of deposit of his ashes was the Temple of Debod installed in the Cuartel de la Montaña park, near the Spain Square. But would it be legal to take this action?

Fines for scattering the ashes of your loved ones

It is a tradition practiced in Spain and in all parts of the world since time immemorial. Throughout history, attempts have been made to fulfill the last wishes of deceased people, even by distributing certain body parts in significant areas or by burying the person in question in a representative place for them, provided that legality is respected. The creation of crematoriums made it possible to cremate the deceased and many people choose to place the ashes of their loved ones in a vase located in a representative location. Others also choose to scatter these ashes in a location previously chosen by the deceased in their last wishes, as happened with Mayra Gomez Kemp.

When performing this worship of loved ones, also be aware that you run the risk of receiving a fine since this practice cannot be carried out anywhere, as it can endanger public health or the environment. Each autonomous community of Spain There is legislation in this area, but fines can range from 750 euros to 60,000 euros in more serious cases where the remains of a family member are scattered in protected areas.

A cemetery in Madrid.

The first thing those who wish to grant their loved ones’ wishes should know is that scattering ashes is legal in Spain… provided a series of conditions are met. If it is private land, there will be no problem as long as the owner allows it and if it is public space, the law will have to be respected. The first thing to be able to comply with the standard is to request authorization from the the town hall in question. This is essential to avoid a fine for spreading the ashes loved ones.

After carrying out the first step, which is communication with the town hall of the municipality in question, the second thing will be to comply with environmental protection regulations to avoid falling into an ecological crime. To do this, the ashes must be spread in an approved biodegradable container and it is strictly forbidden to distribute them on public roads or in parks located within the city. When spreading them in natural areas (mountains, forests or fields), you will also need to consult local law to find out if this is viable.

Spreading the ashes of loved ones at sea is also a common practice and for this you will need authorization from the General Directorate of the Merchant Navy. With the correct papers authorized by the Ministry of Development, you will have no problem carrying out this action but you will always have authorization from the town hall because there may be regulations that prevent it for non-compliance with the environment and you could fall into a serious offense. . this carries a heavy financial penalty.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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