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HomeLatest NewsThe new device that breaks the sales record

The new device that breaks the sales record

Neither fryers nor televisions, the trendy small household appliance is the robot vacuum cleaner. In recent years, the sale of these devices responsible for sweeping the entire house in a few minutes has increased. For this reason, in tens of thousands of homes throughout Spain there is already a device that revolutionizes home cleaning and makes people’s lives easier.

The rise of new technologies This has also made everything related to housework easier for people. In recent times, tools that perform the functions of a human being have been marketed and the one that has a great impact is the robot vacuum cleaner, a small household appliance that has represented a revolution in the market, it is young people who use this product the most.

He robot vacuum cleaner It is fashionable in Spanish homes and this is largely due to its simplicity. By simply pressing a button via the mobile phone You can clean every room in the house and you can even afford not to be present at home. These smart vacuum cleaners are connected to the phone via an app and can be used with the smartphone from anywhere in the world.

All these advantages have therefore made it a small household appliances essential. For this reason, its sales have increased sixfold over the past year, as reported at the time. Tek.nona Norwegian media outlet specializing in data related to household appliance sales. “We are buying a lot more robots, but also a lot cheaper,” detailed the aforementioned media outlet, which also specified in its report that the sale of these robots has surpassed that of air fryers and televisions, which are usually the kings of sales in the world.

The leading sales device

The data clearly shows that the robot vacuum cleaner is the number one selling household appliance in the world. Just look at the benefits of the publication by Roborockworld leader in ultra-intelligent home robotics. This Japanese company has published record accounts in the first months of 2024 with a turnover of 1.22 billion dollars, which represents a significant increase of 30.55% year-on-year.

Regarding the robot vacuum cleaner, Roborock It has exceeded two million units sold, generating revenues of $1,140 million, registering a growth of 27.1% compared to the previous year. Some figures that clearly show the upward trend regarding the sale of this small household appliance.

There is more data that clearly shows that the robot vacuum cleaner is trendy. A few months ago, Amazon bought iRobot, the manufacturer of the famous vacuum cleaner, for $1.7 billion. Roombawhich was one of the most important acquisitions in recent years.

The advantages of the robot vacuum cleaner

Robot vacuum cleaners have expanded their niche in the market due to the many advantages they have, with the only drawback that can be related to the high price of some of these devices that make people’s lives easier. This tool will take care of sweeping every corner of the house for you and the only worry you will have will be to empty the bag when the robot gives a signal. For its proper functioning, it will also have to be recharged, its charging station being the food.

The robot vacuum cleaner works thanks to artificial intelligence, the Wi-Fi network and a system of sensors with which it detects obstacles in its path. With the help of a system of brushes placed at the back, it takes care of cleaning all the rooms of the house. Its great advantage is that you can use it through an application mobile phone so you can turn the device on and off and schedule it to work when you are away from home. This is the main reason why millions of people around the world have opted for a robot vacuum cleaner as their primary method of cleaning their homes on a daily basis, with the young population being the ones who most opt ​​for purchasing this device.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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