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HomeLatest NewsPP finalizes appeals against amnesty law and proposals on illegal immigration

PP finalizes appeals against amnesty law and proposals on illegal immigration

The Popular Party begins its political journey with several open fronts. The legal battle against the amnesty law will materialize in the “coming days” with the presentation of a battery of appeal for unconstitutionality. Those of Alberto Núñez Feijóo have accelerated the deadline to appeal the decision before the Constitutional Court, which expires on September 11, three months after its publication in the Official State Gazette (BOE), on June 10. The PP’s strategy also consists of excluding from the decision the “contaminated” members of the TC and, in this sense, it will request the recusal of at least three magistrates, including its president, Cándido Conde-Pumpido.

This is what the PP leader said in an interview on Onda Cero, the first of the new political course that the popular party launched last Saturday in Galicia and that will have at the judicial level and in the single financing agreed for Catalonia, in addition to the migration crisis, as axes of the PP’s announced offensive against the executive of Pedro Sánchez. The front against the amnesty law is imminent. “We worked in August and we will present the appeals of unconstitutionality on time,” in the “coming days,” according to Núñez Feijóo.

The rule sets a three-month deadline to challenge it and, by refusing to do so in the first weeks, the popular wanted the Supreme Court to be able to rule without any blows from the Constitutional Court. Finally, the High Court refused to apply the amnesty to the crime of embezzlement and maintained the arrest warrant against former Catalan president Carles Puigdemont and former councilors Toni Comín and Lluis Puig.

The PP president announced that the request for recusal will not only affect the president of the Guarantee Court, but will include the two magistrates from the government: former minister Juan Carlos Campo and former Moncloa general director Laura Díez. He also left the door open for it to be extended to a fourth member of the TC – “let’s see if there are three or four” – without specifying who it would be. In the opinion of the popular leader, “there are members who are contaminated” and, therefore, their impartiality could be questioned.

In any case, although he does not hide his disagreement with the constitution of the body, Feijóo has guaranteed that his party will accept the decisions taken by the TC regarding the amnesty, “whether they like it or not”, and that, with this movement, it does not “put pressure” on the court to obtain guarantees or “complain” against the judges, “as Sánchez does”. “We are a state party and we respect the institutions”, said the PP leader on Monday, while assuring that, if he accedes to the Government, he will ensure that “no member” has held political responsibilities.

(news in expansion)


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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