Friday, September 20, 2024 - 5:24 pm
HomeLatest News"In private, you call us whiny athletes."

“In private, you call us whiny athletes.”

Former Ayuso sports director and former taekwondo player Coral Bistuer accused on social media the current head of Culture and Sports at Madrid City Hall, Marta Rivera de la Cruz, of maintaining a different discourse in public and private on supporting sport.

Bistuer responded to a message from Rivera de la Cruz in which he stated that “we are not aware” of the “efforts” and “resignations” behind the medals won by the Spanish team at the Paralympic Games. “The one who is not aware is you,” the former athlete replied. “In public: efforts, courage, resignations, champions… In private you call us athletes: you cry,” he said.

Bistuer wonders where they are “when athletes knock a thousand times” on their door because they “need” them. And it ended with: “That’s how we do it.”

Coral Bistuer was the Director General of Sports in the Díaz Ayuso government for less than a year. She started on July 1, 2021, after the May 2021 elections, and ended on March 16, 2022. interview on the Huffington PostBistuer said she was “tried and dismissed” and never got to “defend myself.” “I lost 20 pounds between daily fights because of my desire to do things in front of people who demanded that I put myself out there and do nothing,” he said.

For her part, the writer Marta Rivera de la Cruz made a trip from Ciudadanos to the PP. She was a deputy for Ciudadanos in the first legislature in which the party entered Congress and until 2019. That year, she entered regional politics in Madrid within Ignacio Aguado’s team and took over the leadership of the Ministry of Culture, a seat she later held in the ranks of the PP. She is currently delegate of the government sector of culture, tourism and sports of the Madrid City Council of Almeida.

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Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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