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HomeLatest NewsThe Generalitat Valenciana publishes the new vaccination and immunization calendar 2024

The Generalitat Valenciana publishes the new vaccination and immunization calendar 2024

The Official College of Nurses of Valencia (COENV) informs all nurses in the Valencian Community of the recent resolution of August 28, 2024, by which the new vaccination and immunization schedulewhich is of particular importance to this group, as it establishes the guidelines and protocols that will guide our actions in the administration of vaccines and essential aspects of health care.

The resolution details the diseases for which there are vaccines and immunoglobulins included in the schedule, specifying the target population and the recommended administration guidelines for each case. In particular, it is emphasized that vaccination against influenza, COVID-19 and immunization against respiratory syncytial virus will be carried out during specific periods of the year, in campaigns organized according to the protocols or instructions issued by the person responsible for general management. competent in the management of vaccination and immunization schedules.

The annex to the resolution includes a table with vaccination recommendations by age groups for people without additional risk factors. Furthermore, it is established that the general management responsible for managing the calendar will have the power to adapt the recommendations through protocols or instructions, especially in cases where the vaccine has not been administered at the age provided for in the official calendars.

On the other hand, the vaccination of risk groups will also be determined by the competent general directorate, which will issue the necessary protocols or instructions. Regarding the vaccines indicated for travelers, the need to carry out a prior individualized assessmentwhich considers the risk of contracting the disease based on the destination, type of travel, reason, duration and the particular circumstances of each person.

Finally, it is recalled that, in accordance with Decree 99/2024, all vaccination activity must be registered in the Vaccination Information System of the Valencian Community. This record is essential to ensure adequate monitoring and control of vaccination actions, allowing effective response and coordinated in the field of public health.

He COENV invites all nursing professionals to take note of the details of this new resolution, the implementation of which will be crucial for the protection of the health of the Valencian population. The collaboration and commitment of our group are essential to ensure the success of vaccination and immunization campaigns in our community.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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