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Hereu says that this week there will be news on the appointment of the governor of the Bank of Spain

The Minister of Industry and Tourism, Jordi Hereu, said this Monday that during this week there would be “news” on the imminent appointment of the governor of the Bank of Spain, after the criticism of the PP raised by the government’s proposal to place the minister José Luis Write in charge of the organization. Sources close to the minister assure that the man from Albacete, currently responsible for digital transformation and the civil service, will be the one who will access the top of the supervisory body. big bet of Moncloa and without the approval of the PP.

This is how the head of the branch expressed himself in statements collected by ‘Europa Press’, when asked about the possible government crisis that the aforementioned appointment could generate. “There will surely be news,” replied the leader of the Ministry of Industry and Tourism upon his arrival at the opening of the 38th meeting of Ametic, the employers’ association of the digital industry in Spain, which is being held in the city of Santander.

Coincidence or not, attention has been drawn to absence of the minister in a event that brings together leading institutions in digital transformation from Spain under the aegis of the association representing the digital industry sector.

As confirmed by sources consulted by ‘’, the movement imagined by the Minister of Economy, Carlos Body, with the support of the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, would not have the consensus of the main opposition party. The PP is positioned against a game of chairs that would cause a direct jump from the Council of Ministers to the Bank of Spain. “From the beginning, they know that we will not accept the government’s idea that a minister will become governor or head an independent body”they say of the PP in conversations with this media.

The “unwritten law” to renew the leadership of the Bank of Spain urges the main political groups to agree on the appointment of the governor, chosen by the government, and the vice-governor, chosen by the opposition. Of course, there have been disagreements and appointments without consensus before, such as that of Miguel Ángel Fernández Ordóñez (2006-2012), since in the end it is a decision of the president of the government.

THE Escrivá’s election is ignored by his entourageeven if it leaves lights and shadows. Technically, he is an ideal profile to lead the Bank of Spain: he has known the ins and outs of the entity for four decades, has experience in Europe and a deep knowledge of monetary policy, in addition to knowing the reforms that the country envisaged. needs in areas such as public spending.

Within the entity, they also “fear” him. Sources close to the former Minister of Social Security assure that he would carry out a profound reform of the institution, especially in its research departments. His political profile, however, leaves doubts hanging, as he has acquired a bad reputation among his professional colleagues and even within the Bank of Spain itself during the last term.

Election deadlines

The government is speeding up the deadlines to replace Pablo Hernández de Cos and Margarita Delgado – interim governor after the departure of De Cos – at the head of the Bank of Spain, even though the executive is trying to guarantee the “independence” of the new dome.

Since the departure of the Madrilenian, Spain has been sitting on the Council of the European Central Bank (ECB), where colleagues from other central banks debate, among other things, monetary policy. With Delgado holding an interim mandate, Spain does not have the power to vote on such crucial issues as the reduction of interest rates. The next appointment will be on September 12 and a new cut is expected.

“Until September 11, we are within deadlines and dates,” said the Minister of Education, Vocational Training and Sports and government spokesperson, Pilar Alegría, while wanting to convey a message of “tranquility” and ensuring that the people who lead the organization, they will have a “great and magnificent profile”, as the previous governors and vice-governors had.



Katy Sprout
Katy Sprout
I am a professional writer specializing in creating compelling and informative blog content.


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