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Armengol refuses to answer the press, calling Prohens “undemocratic” if he does not fire Le Senne

The general secretary of the PSOE of the Balearic Islands and president of the Congress of Deputies, Francina Armengol, once again hid from the press and did not admit to the questions during an appearance in which she limited herself to saying that the leader of the government, Marga Prohens, She will be the “least democratic president” of the Balearic Islands if the PP does not support this Tuesday the motion of impeachment against the president of the Balearic Parliament, Gabriel Le Senne.

Armengol refers to Prohens as an anti-democrat while refusing to explain to the press the various current problems that surround her both as the third authority of the State and as secretary general of the PSOE of the Balearic Islands. Armengol had the opportunity to clarify her position on the economic agreement with Catalonia, on the financing of the Balearic Islands, Pedro Sanchez with the independentists or about When will the next PSOE congress of the Islands take place? and whether she plans to repeat herself as Secretary General and candidate for President of the Government in 2027.

Despite this anti-democratic and transparent position in refusing to answer journalists, as he has done regularly since he became president of the Congress, Armengol has no qualms about attacking Prohens. She has declared that “she will be the least democratic president of the Balearic Islands” if she does not facilitate the dismissal of Gabriel Le Senne as president of the Parliament for tearing up the photo of Aurora Picornell, Majorcan Passionflower.

Thus, Armengol admitted that he had “little hope” that the PP would support the withdrawal and considered that if the popular If they don’t, there will be no “going back” and Prohens will be the least democratic president.

The socialist expressed that in democracy “facts and forms matter” and admitted to being “embarrassed” by the “evisceration” of the photo of feminist and socialist leader Aurora Picornell that Le Senne took in Parliament.

In the Chamber’s meeting room, where his party’s Parliamentary Days began, Armengol described that the legislative political process begins with a “serious institutional crisis” and a “political scandal at the highest level.”

The reality is that since June 18, the great hobbyhorse of the PSOE led by Armengol has been to attack the PP for not having facilitated the dismissal of Le Senne for tearing up the photo of Aurora Picornell during the plenary session. At the same time, the PSOE has made Picornell the great heroine of the fight against Francoism.

On the other hand, the independentists of Month for Mallorca Ha censorship that the PP always did not announce the direction of his vote in the impeachment of the President of the Parliament, Gabriel Le Senne, and stresses that, if they vote yes, there will be a “change of political scenario” within the Legislative Assembly.

This was stated by the parliamentary spokesman for Més, Lluis Apesteguia, who wondered what the PP had done during the summer to not have decided two months after the events that motivated the initiative to dismiss him.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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