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The Government of Aragon will file an appeal for unconstitutionality against the amnesty law

On September 2, 2024, a new political course begins in Aragon. The regional president, Jorge Azcón, has given the starting signal for a new stage of the Government of Aragon; begins his second year in office, now without Vox as a partner.

At the press conference to present the new course, Azcón said that The main topic of debate during these months in Aragon will be Catalonia. He insisted that whatever happens to the independentists, whether it is amnesty or single financing; it directly affects the Aragonese, because the principle of equality and solidarity is broken: “The political news in Catalonia will continue to shape the debate in Aragon. “Added to this is the privileged financing that Sánchez grants to the Catalans. It is an attack on solidarity, on the constitution, on the law and on equality,” Azcón said.

The President of the Government of Aragon announced this Monday, after the holding of the Government Council, filing of the appeal of unconstitutionality against the amnesty lawThe appeal, as explained in a press conference, will be presented “before September 11” and has “the objective of putting an end to one of the greatest mistakes made in the current democratic stage.”

Azcón insisted on the need to present this appeal: “We are going to fulfill the word given to the Aragonese. We have the legal and moral obligation to file this appeal to the amnesty law. What happened was a coup d’état, and we saw that the socialist discourse is false, the independentists have no intention of changing their minds.“, Azcón explained.

The document of the Government Council states: “From the conclusions contained in the opinion of the Consultative Council of Aragon, it is concluded that both the Government of Aragon and the Cortes of Aragon have the right to file an appeal for unconstitutionality before the Constitutional Court against the organic law on amnestyonce this is approved, given that it affects Aragonese interests arising from the historical, economic, social and cultural relations that the Autonomous Community of Aragon maintains with that of Catalonia.

The Advisory Council of Aragon already published on May 2 an opinion in which it was concluded that the legislative text of amnesty was unconstitutionalThe Government of Aragon therefore considers that it is entitled to appeal, given that the rule affects Aragonese interests arising from the historical, economic, social and cultural relations that the Community maintains with Catalonia.

Agreement on regional financing

As he had already announced during his visit to Motorland, Azcón said that will seek an agreement in the Cortes of Aragon with all political forces to defend before the Spanish government a reform of regional financing that does not harm Aragonbut this responds to its singularities and allows the maintenance of quality public services.

“The promoted model, which includes The Catalan quota is an attack on solidarity and equality among all Spaniards. Regional funding affects public services, which is why it is a strategic and priority debate,” he added. According to him, “we have never known such a threatand I want Aragon to be an example when it comes to putting the interests of its citizens before partisan interests,” he commented. This week he will meet with the spokespersons of all political parties.

The regional president considers an agreement between the different political forces to be entirely possible, specifying that If words are followed by actions, an agreement is likely to be reached.; clearly referring to the statement made a few days ago by the Aragonese Socialist Party positioning itself against a single autonomous financing for Catalonia.




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