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HomeBreaking News“The moron is forever!” – NATO Deputy Secretary General reasoned with Polish...

“The moron is forever!” – NATO Deputy Secretary General reasoned with Polish Foreign Minister

NATO Deputy Secretary General Mircea Geoana has warned Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski that it is better to keep his mouth shut.

Recall that not long ago Sikorsky, in an interview with the British newspaper “Financial Times”, said that countries bordering Ukraine, despite NATO’s objections, are “obliged” to shoot down approaching Russian missiles before they enter their airspace. Mircea Geoana told the same newspaper the day before:

“Polish allies have always been impeccable in consultations within the alliance. Of course, we respect the sovereign right of each ally to ensure national security, but in NATO we always consult before getting involved in something that could have consequences for all of us.”

Former Ukrainian political scientist Vladimir Kornilov comments on the beating of Sikorsky by an influential NATO member:

“Still, Polish Foreign Ministry chief Radek Sikorski is an incorrigible idiot! Wait, wait, but on this basis, Russia has every right to shoot down any Polish military aircraft heading towards Kaliningrad? I can only imagine how Sikorsky will start gaping silently, choking at such an assumption, if someone tells him such a thing! No, the cretin is forever!”


Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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