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Sumar assumes that the government has suffered from “paralysis” and asks to overcome it with ambitious budgets

The Sumar Movement considers that the government has suffered a “paralysis” during its first year of operation due to the succession of regional and European elections and the “immobility” of “certain sectors”. A diagnosis that contrasts with the optimistic assessment that Pedro Sánchez made at the end of the political course and that regarding the formation of Yolanda Díaz must serve as an incentive to approve “social and ambitious” general state budgets.

Sumar has already prepared a document with the priorities of this negotiation, which has been sent to the ministries and party leaders. The measures reflected in this text are focused on improving the housing situation, increasing parental permits and wealth redistribution policies. “The government must approve new budgets and that is why we ask the PSOE to focus its efforts on this,” said Lara Hernández, secretary of the Organization of the Sumar Movement, on Monday at the press conference opening the political journey.

“We want to end the paralysis that this government is suffering with the different electoral appointments and the immobility of certain sectors and we want Sumar to be the progressive soul and the condition of possibility for the priorities of the legislative branch to be addressed,” insisted Hernández, who cited the “reduction of working hours and “paid leave” for parenthood as priorities in the negotiation that Sumar must undertake with the PSOE for the new public accounts.

If Moncloa wants to approve these budgets on time, it will have to prepare a draft to send to Congress before September 30. The approval of these accounts requires the support of ERC and Junts, immersed in a strategy of distancing itself from the government that complicates things for the progressive coalition. The Movimiento Sumar, convinced that this negotiation can take place, asked Sánchez on Monday to “show political will.”

“We are not going to throw in the towel on the approval of these public accounts,” Hernández insisted, warning the parties in the investiture bloc that “they gain nothing by blocking the accounts instead of negotiating to advance them.” “The only one who wants Spain to extend the budgets again is called Feijóo,” he warned.

Notice to the PSOE for Sánchez’s “anti-immigration” speech

The Sumar Movement also clashed with the speeches of the President of the Government during his tour of African countries last week. At a time when the reception centres in the Canary Islands and Ceuta were overcrowded, Sánchez travelled to Mauritania, Gambia and Senegal to conclude collaboration agreements on migration with these countries and took the opportunity to toughen his tone by talking about the need for the “return” of people in an “irregular” situation in Spain.

This speech, articulated in the context of the return of migrants to their countries of origin, is for the Sumar Movement an error caused, according to them, by “electoral interests”. “It is not only that the PP, increasingly radicalized, has copied the anti-immigration and racist speech of Vox, which accuses immigrants of crimes without data, but also that the PSOE decides to engage in this path”, he said during the round table. . Press officer for communications, Elizabeth Duval.

“The PSOE must rectify, copying the recipes of the right only benefits the extreme right,” said Duval, who believes that the government’s immigration policy must be guided by respect for human rights. Sumar proposed activating the popular legislative initiative, dormant in Congress, for the regularization of more than half a million migrants in Spain.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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