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Azcón already presents the appeal of unconstitutionality against the amnesty: “It is a moral obligation”

It’s a matter of days before Government of Aragon file your own appeal with the Constitutional Court to which you will appeal the amnesty law“It is a moral obligation,” defended the president of Aragon, Jorge Azconafter the meeting of the Government Council held this Monday, where the filing of said appeal was definitively approved. It should be remembered that Azcón was the first regional president to raise this possibility in November, based on the “principle of equality» of all Spaniards.

The exact day on which Aragon will present his appeal against the amnesty remains to be determined, although it will logically be before September 11day the deadline for submission ends. According to regional government sources, this will be once the regional presidents of the PP meet with the party leader, Alberto Nuñez FeijooHowever, the president of Castilla y León, Alfonso Fernández Mañueco, announced this Monday that he would present it soon. September 10.

“A coup d’état”

At the beginning of this political year, Jorge Azcón wanted to clarify that the conflict with Catalonia is also a priority for Aragon, calling it “political blackmail.” The popular leader reaffirmed that what happened in October 2017 was “a coup d’état“, as the “Supreme Court” legally called it. “That’s not my opinion,” he added.

“It is not worth being granted amnesty for political blackmail,” he said. Furthermore, according to Azcón, “the independentists They don’t want to stop being pro-independence“, have redoubled their “desire for rupture” and against the Constitution, as demonstrated Puigdemont’s second escapewith which he once again “mocked” the government, Sánchez and the PSOE. “Their convictions to commit a coup again are more alive than ever,” he insisted.

Aragon vs. Amnesty

In order to take the decision to appeal the amnesty before the Constitutional Court, the Government of Aragon relied on two favourable reports. First, that of Advisory Council of Aragon. This organization has already published the latest May 2 an opinion in which he concluded that the legislative text of the amnesty was unconstitutional.

Just like the report of the prior legal report of the Cortes of Aragon, requested by the PP parliamentary group in the Cortes, at the beginning of month of Junebefore the final text is approved in plenary session of the Congress of Deputies on May 30.

On the other hand, in the opinion of the Aragonese Executive, the formula of the draft law and the emergency procedure followed to approve the organic law of amnesty “undermines” the democratic principles of the rule of law required by the European Union, by not providing the possibility of adequate social, institutional and political participation in its development, in accordance with the techniques of deliberative democracy, which can be raised before the Court of Justice of the European Union by means of the preliminary question.

Furthermore, they believe that approval of the amnesty requires a prior reform of the Constitutionwhich does not provide for it, the amendments that sought to include it having been rejected in the constituent process, without the Cortes Generales being able to assert any power in the matter, given that amnesty is a function different from the generic legislative power.

This would therefore violate the constitutional prohibition of the arbitrarysince its effective cause consists exclusively in allowing the investiture of the President of the Spanish Government with the votes of the pro-independence parties.

Common front against secessionism

On the other hand, Jorge Azcón took the opportunity to assess that the Catalan quota It is “an attack on solidarity” and “on Spanish law.” He also stressed that it is a problem that “affects all Aragonese people,” since they will see “the quality of services” diminished by the same amount, as a result of the independent financing that would imply the acceptance of these conditions imposed by the Catalan secessionists. proceed with the investiture of the socialist Salvador Illa.

To achieve this, the Aragonese president has reached out to all political parties in order to create a common fort to join forces in what he considers a “crucial” and “essential” debate.

Something that would be possible a priori, given that the left-wing forces, the PSOE, Chuntaas well as the PAIR And Voice They have already expressed their rejection of this privilege of Catalonia. In fact, the twenty-eight members present of the Regional Executive of the PSOE of Aragon (with the exception of those of Huesca, absent), approved a text in which they rejected the agreement between the PSC and Esquerra Republicana for the creation of an independent tax regime for Catalonia.

In this sense, Azcón asked for a “state vocation” to defend “the general interest”, stressing that there are “strands” so that this agreement can be produced between all the Aragonese formations. “If words are followed by actions, we can achieve it,” he said.

For this, the next September 12 The Aragonese president will appear at the Cortes of Aragonin order to explain the objective of the agreement and to explain the common minimum that all formations could achieve.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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