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HomeLatest NewsNational Court files football corruption complaint against 22 defendants but keeps Villar...

National Court files football corruption complaint against 22 defendants but keeps Villar charged

The judge of the National Court Francisco de Jorge has accepted the provisional dismissal of eighteen individuals and four legal entities that were investigated in the Soule case, the case of alleged irregularities in the Royal Spanish Football Federation (RFEF) during the period of the former president Ángel María Villar, who remains accused. At the same time, it has decided to divide the facts investigated relating to each of the different football federations into seven separate parts.

In a first order, the president of the Court of Instruction 1 agrees to initiate proceedings against eighteen individuals and four legal entities taking into account what was requested by the public prosecutor, because their participation in the events investigated was not duly accredited.

In a second order, the magistrate also upholds the request of the public prosecutor and agrees to divide the proceedings. He considers it “necessary” to form separate exhibits to “simplify” the phase of the oral trial and avoid a hearing “with a complex multiplicity of differentiated facts attributed to different authors”.

Thus, the case is divided into separate pieces based on facts relating to the Royal Spanish Football Federation, the Tenerife Federation, the Cantabrian Federation, the Inter-Island Federation of Las Palmas, the Catalan Federation and the Andalusian and Balearic territorial delegations of MUPRESFE. In the first of the documents, the one relating to the Spanish Football Federation, the former president of the entity, Ángel María Villar, his son Gorka and the former vice-president Juan Antonio Padrón, among others, are investigated.

The court order specifies which individuals and legal entities are being investigated in each of the pieces, as well as the accusing parties. The judge indicates that once the final resolution is reached, the corresponding separate pieces will be formed, to which the testimonies of the entire main procedure and the existing pieces will be incorporated and, in these, what is appropriate will be agreed.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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