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“It will be an example of strength and unity”

An emblematic place that becomes an example of strength and unity“. This is the roadmap that will follow the costly reconstruction of the Campanar building in Valencia, which was ravaged on February 22 by a devastating fire in which ten people died and 400 others were left homeless. This Monday, September 2, has become a key date in the rebirth of the property, where the clearing work has begun in the two residential buildings.

The president of the Campanar Building Owners Association (Aproïcam), Enrique Salvador and organization member Pepe Mas, expressed that it was “a great day” for their community, and argued that the rehabilitation could last between two and three years with the aim of having a “beautiful, well-built but safer” building again.

The debris removal work, which began on Monday with great anticipation, is expected to be completed in four months. The next step will therefore be to design the rehabilitation project of the housing block. “In July, we awarded the project to an architectural firm, whose execution will last about seven months and, once finished, a call for tenders will be launched so that all construction companies capable of carrying it out can present themselves, after which we will award one and “the reform will begin as it should,” Salvador said.

However, he indicated that “there is still more good news to announce or on the way to becoming good news.” Thus, he clarified that they are waiting for the problem to be resolved. funding of the rehabilitation: “The community of owners is in negotiations with the insurers so that the financing of the rehabilitation is possible and that we can complete it.”

“It is a tribute that it is rebuilt, that in a certain way this building that is today a disaster, in which everyone takes photos and that is only used for selfies, becomes emblematic and that is also an example of strength and unity among all,” Mas defended himself enthusiastically.

For all this, the association maintained the need to maintain financial aid to those affected by the terrible fire. “We have a long way to go and we must, among other things, maintain both the mortgage moratorium, which is very important, and the rental assistance,” said Mas, who insisted that although they are in a “very good situation”, “it will take time” and “they need a home to continue their lives.” “Imagine what it means to pay a mortgage and rent at the same time, and even more so in these neighborhoods that are expensive,” he added.

“And for this same reason, we must also rehabilitate as soon as possible, because if we do it sooner, the sooner we will stop receiving this aid,” he said, to which the president of Aproicam added that Neither the City Council nor the Generalitat have abandoned them “at no time.” “And we are absolutely sure that it will not happen now, when we need it most,” he assured.

New facade voted by neighbors

Regarding the rehabilitation project, the Campanar building will maintain the structure but tcompletely renovated because “many materials can no longer be used”. So they announced that the facade will be completely different and the material will be voted on by all owners.

“Living here again will be a question that everyone will have to decide, but I think there will perhaps be a majority who will do it,” he noted. But he said he would return to his old home. “Yes, without a doubt. Besides the fact that I like it, I have no problem and I think a very high percentage too,” he stressed.

Start of cleaning of the burnt Campanar building


During the first days of the debris removal phase, tasks will consist of: remove all ashescement, window details and other remains of materials and objects that are no longer useful. “They will bring, in addition to collecting the materials, all the machinery necessary for carrying out the work and safety measures, and then large vacuum cleaners and other machines will proceed to clean the debris,” they said.

In parallel, the stores located in the streets adjacent to the Campanar building have also received the start of this first phase of rehabilitation of the property “as dream” in order to be able “recover” the normality of the neighborhood. This is how the owner of the Valientes co-educational center, Amalia Corretger, described it. “We are very happy, it was a goal to be able to rebuild and of course regain normality in the neighborhood,” she stressed, while saying it “with goosebumps.”

Corretger explained that he experienced it “as if they were your family” and that it was her “dream” to see it rebuilt. “For our part, we put all our strength and all our energy to help all the owners who are there at the bottom of the canyon,” she said, adding that for her “it’s something personal” because they have been her neighbors for a long time.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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