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This is the type of music that affects the brain and makes people less intelligent

THE music It is an essential element in people’s lives. We listen to it in the car, at work, at the supermarket, at home, on the bus, while walking, while playing sports… accompanying us at all times of the day.

The way we listen to music has changed in recent years. be able to expand musical genres and artist diversity As they are available on different platforms such as Spotify, YouTube, Apple Music… each user therefore has the freedom to listen to the music they want without having to depend on what the radio stations broadcast or having to buy their own CD of a favorite artist.

There are several studies that have investigated how music affects the brain. According to a study by the Global Council on Brain Health (GCBH), listening to music is a very powerful way to stimulate the brain. According to experts: “It affects different regions, including those involved in hearing and listening, language, emotions, memory and reasoning skills.

New research has gone further and explored how Different types of music affect the brain, making it more or less intelligent. One of the surveys is called “The Music That Makes You Stupid” and was conducted by Virgil Griffith, a famous American programmer.

In this study, Griffith ensures that reggaeton and some styles of hip hop These are the genres that develop the least intelligence. He explains that this type of music has as characteristics repetitive structures and easy-to-understand lyrics. This prevents cognitive stimulation from being constantly activated.

According to the Wall Street Journal, “Griffith used aggregated Facebook data on groups and books that were preferred among students from various universities and compared them to the average SAT scores at those schools, creating a tongue-in-cheek statistical look at the taste and intelligence”.

The researcher checks with his data that the Students who prefer listening to reggaeton and hip hop have poor academic performanceIt is therefore not recommended for young people to listen to this type of genre.

What is the musical genre that contributes to the development of intelligence?

The big question is which gender is more intelligent. According to a 2023 study by the Universities of Warwick and Birmingham in the UK, they concluded that Listening to rock music helps develop intelligence. Defend that people who listen to it frequently have a higher IQ than others. By having a musical complexity, unexpected changes and lyrics that stimulate the brain and improve critical thinking.



Katy Sprout
Katy Sprout
I am a professional writer specializing in creating compelling and informative blog content.


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