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HomeTop StoriesAragon files appeal against amnesty law for unconstitutionality

Aragon files appeal against amnesty law for unconstitutionality

This had been announced and now Aragon has taken a further step against the amnesty law by approving today in the Government Council the presentation of a appeal for unconstitutionality.

With this resource, which is expected submit before September 11The aim is to “put an end to one of the biggest mistakes made in the current democratic phase,” said the president of the government of Aragon, Jorge Azcón.

This appeal will be based on the opinion that the Aragonese Executive has already requested from the Consultative Council of Aragon, which concluded that the amnesty law was unconstitutional, in addition to emphasizing that Aragon was a community entitled to file it. A line in which the legal report of the lawyers of the Cortes of Aragon was also pronounced.

For Azcón, the amnesty law is “a attack on the equality of Spaniards before the law is not included in the Constitution.” In this way, the aim is to defend the essential values ​​”that govern our constitution and the framework of coexistence that protects the Magna Carta” because “what cannot be allowed is an amnesty for a coup d’état.”

Regional funding

In his appearance after the Government Council, Jorge Azcón also spoke about regional financing. In this sense, he advocated seek an agreement in the Cortes of Aragon with all political forces to defend before the Spanish government a financing of the autonomies that does not harm the Aragonese community and that takes into account its singularities and has quality public services.

An initiative that will be explained on September 12th at the Cortes of Aragon and which aims to change the course of national politics.

However, this week we will proceed to call all parliamentary spokespeople to try to reach this agreement and the Catalan quota is rejected, which, according to him, implies “privileges for those who give power to the PSOE.”

“The model promoted, which includes the Catalan quota, is a attack on solidarity and equality among all Spaniards” added the president, who stressed that regional funding affects public services, which is why it is a strategic and priority debate.

“This is the greatest threat to the pockets of the Aragonese” in the entire phase of Spanish democracy. We have never known such a threat,” Azcón stressed. “I want Aragon to be an example when it comes to putting the interests of its citizens before partisan interests.” In addition, he stressed the importance of defending “what is important.” everyone.”



Katy Sprout
Katy Sprout
I am a professional writer specializing in creating compelling and informative blog content.


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